Debbie Reynolds dies

Only after a day her daughter carried Fisher died, the same thing happened to Debbie.
Debbie was close friends with Elizabeth and they remained so until Elizabeth's death. It makes me think of their friendship, the whole affair/wedding with Mike and then Eddie and how their friendship overcame all that.
Debbie looked always so full of life and healthy I always thought she was going to outlive Elizabeth for a long time. How saw. How sad she could not cope with her daughter's tragic death.


Why is it terrible to hear? Because there is no comparison between Elizabeth Taylor and Angelina Jolie on any level--only young people with no knowledge of how great a star Taylor was could make such a comparison. They think Taylor and Jolie are alike because both were involved in scandals. Jolie is beautiful and talented and had her time as a bankable star, but she's no Liz Taylor. And when I say "terrible" it's not like I'm going to slash my wrists over it. Time marches on.

Nothing can "bite the ass" of a dead person. And it's not as if ET "paid" for her so-called sins anyway. Not publicly. Her career benefited, as did Debbie's. Fisher was ruined. And more ruined after Liz threw him over for Burton. Then her career benefited even more. Moralists claimed to be outraged but movie theaters were jam-packed to see the "scarlet woman" in action.

Privately? Likely she had some regrets, especially about Sybil Burton, who really suffered. (After the initial humiliation, which Debbie cleverly used, I'm sure she was glad to be rid of Eddie. Unfortunately, her subsequent choices were even worse!)

But ET and Debbie were officially reconciled by the first year of the Burton marriage. Many, many years later, she and Sybil came to an understanding--literally over the dying body of their mutual dear friend Roddy MacDowall.

As little as anybody cared, truly, about Taylor's peccadilloes (if they had, her career would have been destroyed, like Ingrid Bergman's was) they care less now. The fans who made La Liz a star in 1944 are in their 70s, 80s, or beyond caring.
