MovieChat Forums > Elizabeth Taylor Discussion > What's your favorite film?

What's your favorite film?

Mine is Cleopatra.



I loved her in Life With Father, great comical performance.


"Father of the Bride"

Absolutely. The part where "Stanley" tries to talk her into eloping to save money. They're alone in her bedroom. All the sudden here comes her mother barging thru the door wanting to know what's going on. The production plays it with straight honesty. "Kay" wouldn't know not to say anything to her mother about this great idea the old man has. She's just a kid, so Tracy has to talk fast and succeeds. Ushers "Ellie" out the door, closes it behind them, then a few seconds pass before he sticks his head back in. "What are trying to do get me in trouble?" The look on "Kay's" face is complete innocence..

I love that part!



Yes, 3 boys. Though I understand your perspective.


I like the remake part (the cake) where he tells Short:::"It's flour and water Franck."



"A Place in the Sun" 1951 - arguably the best film ever made.


Interesting, I want to see that one but would like it to be something special, like a screening or something.


Zardoz. Great Sci Fi and social commentary.


Giant (1956)


Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf


Tie between Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf and A Place in the Sun.


Whose Afraid of Virginia Wolf.


Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? although I have a big soft spot for Father of the Bride.
