MovieChat Forums > Brad Pitt Discussion > WTF? His left eyelid gets saggier

WTF? His left eyelid gets saggier

As much as he tries to look younger than his old age nothing will help if he doesn't remove that extra skin over his eye. His vision is obstructed 👁 Old abuser looks old.


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What entertainment value do you get out of your mean spirited bashing? I don't understand it. Do you think the object of your Stanning will look at the board and see your name constantly at the top of the Brad bashing and send you a PM to take you out for dinner?


Do you think the guy you're defending will come to the board and thank you for defending him?


Jealous much?


Jealous much?

Such a cliche, weak response.




Men get old looking and sag. That's life.


Women do too


If you want fantasy, there is always animated features where characters never get old. All people age, get old, and even die. I think they ought to let other people into movies as the current so-called stars get too old. I hate seeing 60 and 70 year old mean caked with makeup and touched up with CGI with 20-something love interests in garbage movies. It's no wonder we have so many sexual harassers if that is their expectations, it's not what women or men want in most cases. But why do you call him "old abuser"? Calling him names kind of impeaches any criticism on the basis of bias.


You mean.... he’s actually human?! (A super cool human who rightfully and deliciously triggered a troglodyte conman demagogue who wishes Hollywood would accept him — same goes for the demagogue’s equally Hollywood-obsessed fascist maga chuds that have been drooling over Tarantino’s supposed pro-social injustice film as it took them back to their good ol’ white power/dominance days... yet in the end THE Brad Pitt they were cheering to win the Oscar, you know that Hollywood award which chuds constantly claim they couldn’t care any less about, hurt the wittle feewings of many of these same fragile reactionary chuds hahahahaha.) What the.... 😱
