MovieChat Forums > Kim Basinger Discussion > Kim is sometimes unbearable on Twitter

Kim is sometimes unbearable on Twitter

The thing that I’ve noticed based on Kim’s Twitter account, is that she seems fully 100% content on promoting animal welfare. I hate to single her out for something like that because she isn’t the only celebrity to use social media to promote causes that are personal to them. But it seems like, if I want to read stuff like that all the time, I’ll go to PETA’s Twitter account. Maybe my point, is that I wish that Kim would talk about stuff that she’s doing besides that. It just feels extremely pretentious if you ask me.

It seems like Kim just makes a movie and doesn’t put forth enough of a personal effort to promote it or make everybody know that she’s in it. If the movie is successful and it gains herself accolades, then its an added bonus. This is part of the reason why I think her career cooled off after her Oscar win, because she didn’t do a better enough of a job to keep herself and her name relevant (outside of her personal issues w/ Alec Baldwin).

The only non-animal related stuff that I’ve come across on her Twitter, is when she said something about David Letterman in lieu of his retirement.

What doesn’t help is that Kim has to align herself (of all of the animal welfare causes) w/ those wack-jobs at PETA (as I’ve previously mentioned):

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) was once the premier animal rights organization in the United States. In the early-mid 2000s they gained acclaim for their chilling exposes into industrial farming, most notably the documentary “Kentucky Fried Cruelty” which described the abuses faced by animals raised for their meat. Teen activists rallied behind them and celebrities such as Pamela Anderson endorsed them… until two bombshells were dropped near the end of the decade. The first was their turn toward increasingly radical and nonsensical campaigns, the two most infamous of which were a petition to rename “fish” to “sea kittens” and a campaign against Pokémon and Super Mario Bros.. The second, and most important, was the revelation that they euthanize the vast majority of the animals sent to their shelters, apparently due to feeling that domestication is a Fate Worse Than Death for animals and that they were mercy killing them. PETA euthanized about 90% of the animals they rescued (compared to the ASPCA only putting down about 10%), they had large capacity walk-in refrigerators that rivaled restaurants to store the animals prior to disposal, and they were caught because the people dumping the bodies at one shelter decided to use a nearby dumpster instead of an approved disposal method. Now, most animal rights and environmental activists view them as a joke punchline at best, and morally bankrupt at worst.


That's a great extract; and one I completely agree with.
