MovieChat Forums > James Cameron Discussion > He's turned into George Lucas

He's turned into George Lucas

A weird old man who makes bad movies that focus on effects over story.

Who the fuck releases a 12 year old movie just so they can have the number 1 spot at the box office? What a dork.

There's still a market for this crapfest? I went to see it in 09. It was James Cameron. I like many of his movies and it was his first movie in a decade. But we all know this movie sucks. It's shallow on story and plot and even it's "strengths" - effects and action - aren't good. I've enjoted movies that aren't particularly deep if they are entertaining. But the effects and action are not anything special. It's a fake looking movie with anti-climatic action and a plagiarized story.


he loves the prequels he put out that interview book, he interviews lucas, he's a big fan.


There's a creepy cult-like thing going on in Hollywood right now, where a tiny handful of directors are pretending to be auteurs with a personal vision, but are part of the same club or are gaslighting everyone into becoming like them.

I couldn't figure out how it was that so many "different" directors could have the exact same scenes at more or less the same time, or why someone who'd made a name for themselves in one specific type of movie suddenly began directing exactly like another director. Then I read the story where Tarantino, who had carved an image of being maverick, had been part of Big Hollywood the entire time.

With Cameron, I'm seeing the same thing. I know that he was always enamored with Lucas, but at the same time, why would you ditch your legacy as a groundbreaking action director so you can be a pale imitation of him? You had your niche. He had his. But now you want to be Lucas? You want to completely ditch your own signature style of direction and legacy as a genre-breaking director to make movies that were universally maligned? Weird.


I dunno.... I'd say it gets creepier still.
That's a pretty significant mental shift. It may be related to the aging process. The older people get, the more they mellow down - generally. I mean Cameron himself admits, if he were to do everything all over again in his current, testosterone-free state, he wouldn't have done 90 percent of the films he's made. What is hilarious is that he basically claims that his current testosterone-free self is superior to his younger self, which - if the films are any indication, is the very opposite of the truth.

Having said that - as long as brainless masses continue to flock to the avatar/superhero films in masses, they'll keep thinking that this is the way to go.
