MovieChat Forums > Jim Carrey Discussion > what the hell is he thinking dating a 28...

what the hell is he thinking dating a 28 year old woman???

that is so, so wrong. he is old enough to be her dad. that is quite disturbing and very wrong. the worst of all time is Mick Jaggaer dating a 28 year old ballerina right now. Jim Carrey dating that weirdly named 28 year old makes me sick. a 53 year old man never deserves to have a 28 year old woman and should never have that. Jim Carrey's relationship was a joke. in what way could they possibly connect? "I'm so into Twitter and taking selfies, ha ha," she said. someone his age wouldn't ever be into Twitter or taking selfies.


My 29-year-old doctor got me through major surgery and that was last week. She did not strike me as a "kid". Late twenties is still the average age of first marriage even in 2015. And of course there is no timescale for everyone to do everything at a certain specified time.

Cathriona White wasn't mooching off anyone. She had her own career and was renting a 1.1 million dollar house. There are immature people of all ages including immature 50-year-olds. Bathrooms sounds troubled but not necessarily immature. It takes someone with great functionality and courage to move around the world from their small town in Ireland to Los Angeles.

Most people who commit suicide are senior citizens and male. I think living away from her family and the huge cultural differences from small town Ireland to Los Angeles had more to do with her death than age differences.

The fact is neither one of us knew this woman but to say that she was "immature" is very dubious.
