MovieChat Forums > Kevin Costner Discussion > Good Lord... Kevin Costner has lost his...

Good Lord... Kevin Costner has lost his mind the last few years. Biden and Michelle?

"I think he's even showing now that he's a person of a level of energy and integrity and of vision and that's why I did it. I don't often step out.” Although he hasn't hit the campaign trail for the general election, Costner has endorsed Joe Biden for president."

"He also said at the time that he’d in interested in a Michelle Obama presidency. “Michelle’s incredibly bright and articulate and has possessed good judgement and experience as a result,” Costner said. “Why couldn’t she be [president]?”


What's interesting is that...back in the 80's when he was first breaking out as a star, I believe that Costner was one of a handful of stars who said he leaned Republican. Which is always rare in that town these days, which is why I remember it.

Of course, the 80's were the time of President Ronald Reagan -- the "former movie star President" who was fairly liked in bi-partisan ways -- and action stars like Schwarzenegger, Stallone, and Bruce Willis claimed to be Republican-leaning too. It was safer to be a Republican movie star then. Only Schwarzenegger has kept the label, but he's actually supportive of progressive politics(especially on the environment.) The rest of the action guys now claim to be independent, except evidently Costner has gone all the way over to the Dems. Willis announced his split from the Reps and move to Independent long before he became ill.


Well thats because people like Willis realized it was all BS. Willis basically ran away from Hollywood and bought a town LOL. He doesnt like that place AT ALL. Its funny when these directors always talk about him being a jerk LOL.

What they all basically are is elitists. Political labels are just for show. Entertainment industry is all Occult. CIA has ran hollywood since it was created. Hollywood has been Occult since it was created. Its a den of serpents. Stallone was just friends with everyone. Now he is big enough and has so many connections he can do what he wants. Even Stallone is progressive though. They basically have to be in order to take part in that system. Progressivism IS Occult by Doctrine. Its about building their "Christs" (Lucifer/Satan) Kingdom and then handing it over. Thats why progressivism is most often not in the average peasants best interest regardless of whatever form it is in. All progressivism basically leads to Luciferianism... which is the Agenda directed from the very top of the pyramid. Same one on the back of your dollar bill. The "In god they trust" is likely not the "In God you Trust" unless you are also in the occult and have taken the pledge to their god.

You dont get to work in that industry if you have not taken the pledge. Its their system not ours. They do eat their own a lot and put on a show for deception though. Even Jim Caviezel and Mel Gibson are Occultists.

As far as Costner is concerned hes Identified with the left behind the scenes since Clinton was in office. He might have "said" he leaned republican but hes an actor and can be convincing when lying to your face. Its their job to deceive you. Besides Republican can mean anything. The Bushes were Republican. They are also Satanists just like the Clintons, Obamas etc. I would say Costner swings more to the Satanist side than Luciferian. Satanists tend to be more creative and rebellious. Luciferians more structured and manipulative.
