He is a pedo

In Cape Fear he sexually molests Juliette Lewis.


So does Robert Mitchum in the origianal. The girl is even younger in that one.


Mitchum is dead,,,why isn't Bobby in jail?


I thought we were talking about the two Cape Fear movies. Neither Mitchum nor De Niro actually did anything it was the characters they played.


so its ok to french kiss and feel up a child if your acting.


Brad Pitt is the one who was fucking her while she was underaged, in real life.

Funny how nobody cared about that back then, or now.


No one cared then as well as now because Lewis was 17 and it was consensual and she is on record, yeeeeears later, with that thing called perspective, stating that her relationship to Brad was one of the best relationships she’s ever had.


Really? You are attaching a perversion to an actor playing a part?
Another idiot I am putting on "ignore".
