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Robert De Niro Sounds Off On Acting, Directing, And Donald Trump

A hit song by Bananarama in the ’80s told us that Robert De Niro‘s Waiting. Tonight, on Real Time with Bill Maher, he finally got the chance to get a few things off his chest.

Because De Niro is President Joe Biden’s age, he was asked about the age question that stalks the president.

“This whole thing about him and his age – the bottom line is it’s Biden versus Trump, and we want to live in world we enjoy.” Vote for Trump, “and we get the nightmare. Vote for Biden and it’s back to normalcy.”

Maher tried to draw De Niro into a deeper analysis, asking why many current polls show Trump winning decisively. De Niro claimed not to know, saying that he supported Biden because “I don’t want to feel the way I did after the election of 2016. The guy is a total monster.”

De Niro went on to call Trump “a mean, nasty, hateful person – I’d never play him as an actor.” De Niro avoided Trump in New York, calling him a “clown,” but adding, “He’s a classic bully. He’s got to be stopped.”

But even bullies have to trade on something that people like, Maher pressed. He then asked about the New York plan to post the National Guard in the subways, which De Niro seemed surprised to hear.

He did concede, at Maher’s urging, that there’s a lack of common sense on the left and the right.


“This whole thing about him and his age – the bottom line is it’s Biden versus Trump, and we want to live in world we enjoy.” Vote for Trump, “and we get the nightmare. Vote for Biden and it’s back to normalcy.”

Just what nightmare is it? I wish these fools would specify, because all these terrible things they say Trump will do... he didn't do them the first time around. You have idiots on MSNBC and The View and their hyperbole about how Trump will be a dicator, or
he'll jail political enemies. That moron Joe Scarborough actually claimed that Trump will execute political enemies.

It's hysterical fearmongering.

Maher tried to draw De Niro into a deeper analysis, asking why many current polls show Trump winning decisively. De Niro claimed not to know...

He doesn't know because he's a rich Hollywood liberal, insulated by his wealth from the consequences of the policies Democrats are pursuing. He's not the one struggling to pay the bills under Biden's inflation, or seeing his fixed income become insufficient to live on anymore. He's not the one seeing his neighborhood overrun with criminals, homeless people, and illegal aliens. He's not the one whose kids are going to lose opportunities for education and jobs because of the DEI nonsense Democrats embrace. He's not the one feeling the strain on the nation's social services, and economy, from letting millions of illegal aliens just flood into the country.

If DeNiro ever bothered to venture out of his liberal echo chamber, lots of people could give him plenty of reasons why they'll vote for Trump.

I'll hold my nose and do it in November. I didn't want Trump on the ballot, but barring a miracle, he will be, and it's a binary choice between him and Biden. And Biden is, I truly believe, the most incompetent president this country has had since James Buchanan. We simply can't afford another four years with him in office.


"I wish these fools would specify"

They never do, because they can't.
All they do is to parrot the ever same insane accusations but when you ask for specifics, they suddenly have no time to talk anymore, run off, or even shamelessly admit "I don't know, hehe", completely unaware of how insanely ignorant they are and how damaging this sort of attitude is in politics.

According to leftists, Trump is basically Hitler 2.0
According to presidential history, Trump turned out to be a significantly better president than many before him and especially the drooling, mumbling and stumbling ragdoll that came after him.

If you hate your political opponent more than you love your children, the problem is you.


If Trump is a monster, then Stalin is what?


and once again he has nothing to back up his claim that the world will end with trump as prez.

this guy lives in a different world. like all rich actors.


They already went haywire claiming Trump is gonna cause nuclear war once he becomes president, remember?
In hindsight, we know they weren't just completely wrong, but the very opposite was the case with a president minimizing conflicts where possible compared to the war mongers that came before him, especially Obama, who bombed so many Pakistani weddings, the peace Nobel prize is basically just a satirical award by now.


It's always been that way. Back in the eighties, liberals were always portraying Reagan as either an amiable dunce, or a warmonger. His ratcheting up defense spending, his promotion of the SDI defense shield, and his willingness to walk away
from a summit when he found the Soviet demands unacceptable were all taken as evidence that he was reckless and needlessly provocative.

Needless to say, time has vindicated him completely.

Trump got some of this same treatment, when he agreed to keep a promise many presidents before him had made, to move the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. This was terrible, liberals immediately started squawking, it was "provocative" and would destabilize the region.

Instead we got the Abraham Accords, the biggest and most meaningful Middle East peace agreement since the Camp David Accords of 1978.

It seems a constant feature of the left: on foreign policy, they always believe erring on the dovish side will seem reasonable, conciliatory, and respectful to our enemies, and will win us magnanimity and good will. In reality, our enemies usually take this approach for weakness, and lack of stomach for confrontation.

The Romans understood well the value of strength and willingness to use it if need be, hence the saying Si vis pacem, para bellum. Our leaders seem to achieve better foreign policy successes when they keep that mindset, and ignore the "nuanced" and "reasonable" thinkers of the establishment.


did he meet trump at any point in his life? i wonder what happened and if it affected him. or does trump have something on him?


agree.... the hate is strange.

Robert must be afraid of something, there is no other explanation.
none of trumps policies have any effect on de niro.

unless robert runs something illegal of which we do not know of.

yes, trump post (or posted) mean tweets, but surely a guy who played very mean characters would not get upset about that??


He says trump is bad somehow.......... well, De Niro is the one who unscripted shoved his finger inside the mouth of Juliette Lewis on the set of Cape Fear.

she was 17 or 18 at the time of filming..... De Niro was 48


Honestly?? No one cares what this guy has to say because just like every Hollywood pedophile, elite, they say if Trump's re-elected, they'll leave the U.S and 99% of the time, this is such bullshit, so one more time I'm going to say it: I have no idea, NADA ZILCH, WHATEVER THE FUCK it is about Donald Trump that people just get so worked up over?? The guy who hosted the fucking APPRENTICE for 20 Years along with the Miss Universe Pageant and was genuinely well liked, even when sparring with Rosie O'Donnell and lambasting her every time and much to everyone's delight, then he runs for President on the Republican side and the left and liberals lose their minds and I'm supposed to give one fuck what Robert Deniro has to say about Trump or acting as him in a movie, which would never work anyway??? Here Bobby D: Here's what I think:


De Niro is 80 and losing his shit, just like Biden. Of course he supports a fellow senile geriatric.


This is downright embarrasing from De Niro.


He's an idiot. I want to live in a world where I can afford gasoline and groceries. Biden ended that world. I understand that to rich guys like De Niro the price of everyday things like fuel and food is irrelevant, but it matters to poor and middle class people. Fuck Joe Biden, and fuck De Niro.


Yeah, vote for Trump and you can do that until the end of your life, which is then 100% more near as you ever expected.
