MovieChat Forums > Johnny Depp Discussion > Will he be able to able to attain his fo...

Will he be able to able to attain his former A status?

Due to his huge financial woes (he is basically surviving paycheck to paycheck, according to his financial team), drug/alcohol abuse, domestic violence rumors, and a good deal of his recent films flopping or under performing, will he ever be accepting back into A status if he changes his ways?


He's still part of the Pirate and Potter franchises, so he'll keep his name out there. A/B list status (or complete ostracization) is always just one project away in Hollywood - on or off.

I doubt he'll try. He always seemed to wear it with discomfort, if not disdain, and it wouldn't surprise me if Depp took the opportunity to disappear into some cool indie stuff.


Assuming he doesn't die first, I think Old Man Depp will settle into all those choice old man roles. But his leading man days are done and done.


Not for a while. He's lost his looks, and has been giving shitty, lazy, performances in recent years. Having to act because he needs the money to maintain his lifestyle isnt going to improve his creative flow, is it.

If he cut expenses, went to rehab, went to live a simple and sober life in the hinterlands for a few years... and then came back, maybe he'd be worth watching again! As it is, he seems on his way to joining Nicholas Cage as a crap actor who will do anything for a paycheck.


The domestic violence rumors have been disproven pretty conclusive, unless there are accusations coming from someone other than his ex-wife. I haven't heard anything like that, though.


He's been A list for the last 30 years.


Probably not. He should take some time off, get help that he needs, and work his way back up only by selecting projects that will see him regain some critical praise. The Jack Sparrow days are over but his career doesn't have to suffer.


I think that'd be the best approach. Remind people what a great actor he can be. Go back to those kind of roles he was doing before Pirates. Stuff like What's Eating Gilbert Grape and Ed Wood.


Seen the trailer to "Waiting for the Barbarians" yet? Looks like a step in that direction.


There will probably be more execrable pirate movies because they make money and he's inseparable from them, but his serious career seems to have croaked.


Disney doesn't seem to have any interest in him, even after all that evidence leaked that Heard lied about the abuse and that she actually was the violent one. They are going to make Pirates with a female lead, now.

I think that might be a case with many of the big studios and people in charge there in Hollywood. People don't like to admit they are wrong. Also Depp's story is something of a constant reminder that sometimes women don't tell the truth about these things.
