MovieChat Forums > Poozer91

Poozer91 (572)


What happened to her career Father character Disgusting Anti Semitic views William Friendkin’s chilling quote a few months before death Worth watching? Obvious from the beginning who the villain is Question on his TV series Best Actor Nomination What happened to this guy? Is this worth watching View all posts >


They should feel happy. No one wants to be friends with an arrogant, ignorant, hypocritical, unfunny, talentless hack. Everything he is a part of loses quality due to his presence. I watched it and loved it. I have no problem with slow moving films. My niece on the other hand, wouldn’t be able to get through it. This movie was quite bad. It is easily Scorsese’s worst film. He can easily go to Apple TV. They just through $200,000,000 on three movies that did not make a profit. They seem to be fine with losing hundreds of millions. It’s just okay, nothing special. No. He was very monotone and stiff. Well, Nicolas Cage did all those terrible films due his owing millions to the IRS. Willis was just doing as many quick movies as possible due his debilitating dementia. Morgan Freeman even said in one interview when asked if he still has a burning desire to work he responded by saying it was more like smoldering embers. Sadly, the sounds like he does not care and will star in anything if it pays okay regardless of quality. Well if the movie portrayed him better than his actual self, then I feel sorry for the sons that had to live under him. I would not point out a spelling mistake on Twitter either, but to be fair it’s not hard to check when you have 140 characters or less. Who cares about John Cusack? Guy hasn’t made a good movie in nearly a decade. Also, if you disagree with him on any issue or point out a spelling error on his Twitter, he will immediately block you. A real mature, well-adjusted, non insecure individual. View all replies >