Poozer91's Replies

You’re on Biden’s page about Biden. The orinal poster did not even bring up Trump. I never said that you cannot get COVID if you get once. Look at my last post and tell me when I said that? You obviously have no proof and use lies to back up your narrative. Tell me once where Trump said he wanted people to get infected with COVID and die? You also can’t because it never happened. This conversation is over because you cannot support your argument with facts and you are a troll as another already pointed out and I am not going to give you anymore attention. You clearly are making up lies by saying Trump tried to infect and kill as many Americans as possible. I was typing on a phone and it was a typo, but you knew what I meant. You never responded to why Biden would be a better alternative President, but since you just make up lies and ignore reality when it does not fitcyour narrative, I really have no interest in what your ignorant and false reply would be. You are acting like COVID was created by Trump. It was not. It did not even originate in the United States. Trump also never got the COVID shot during his term as he ending up contracting COVID. Again, you cannot gun a country when there is a lockdown or when a major pandemic is occuring. The only one who has not told the truth here is you. Yes. The whole country was shut down. Do you remember it was a lockdown. You take the pandemic out of the equation and Biden’s economy is much worse. My claim is not a lie. It must be nice living in denial like you. Also you must be part of the 37 percent that likes Biden. That is embarrassing since every choice he has made during his presidency has been a disaster. Not a MAGA, but the economy was much better. Sad, that you are grasping at straws now to try and support Biden. Spending more money on safety with worse results. You did when you said you have not done conclusive research. Also, your point is irrelevant when costs were cut and far less deaths and injuries happened. Really unfortunate idea throwing around money to unions when the economy is this bad. You just admitted that you have not researched this at all. Yet you claim the Trump has much more lax safety regulations that Biden because his billionaire buddies told him to. You clearly do not like Trump based on personality rather than policies because you did not do any research and have no idea what you are talking about. They should feel happy. No one wants to be friends with an arrogant, ignorant, hypocritical, unfunny, talentless hack. Everything he is a part of loses quality due to his presence. I watched it and loved it. I have no problem with slow moving films. My niece on the other hand, wouldn’t be able to get through it. This movie was quite bad. It is easily Scorsese’s worst film. He can easily go to Apple TV. They just through $200,000,000 on three movies that did not make a profit. They seem to be fine with losing hundreds of millions. It’s just okay, nothing special. No. He was very monotone and stiff. Well, Nicolas Cage did all those terrible films due his owing millions to the IRS. Willis was just doing as many quick movies as possible due his debilitating dementia. Morgan Freeman even said in one interview when asked if he still has a burning desire to work he responded by saying it was more like smoldering embers. Sadly, the sounds like he does not care and will star in anything if it pays okay regardless of quality. Well if the movie portrayed him better than his actual self, then I feel sorry for the sons that had to live under him. I would not point out a spelling mistake on Twitter either, but to be fair it’s not hard to check when you have 140 characters or less. Who cares about John Cusack? Guy hasn’t made a good movie in nearly a decade. Also, if you disagree with him on any issue or point out a spelling error on his Twitter, he will immediately block you. A real mature, well-adjusted, non insecure individual. Don’t you mean Phil Collins In my opinion she is a good actress. As for the Don’t Worry Darling controversy, I think Olivia Wilde came out looking a lot worse. 1.) The movie failed with critics and audiences in terms of reviews, despite the movie making a slight profit. 2.) She lied to the press saying she stuck up for her actors by saying she fired Shia Labeouf, but later Labeouf provided emails and texts proving he quit and she actually tried to keep him on the film. 3.) She attempts to promote the movie as social relevant by making remarks criticizing Jordan Peterson (I do not have a feeling about him one way or the other), claiming he pandered to Incels and was a faux intellectual. Which seems a little strange coming from someone who dropped out of high school (Wilde), criticizing someone who has a PhD in Clinical Psychology. Never have. I thought he played a charming but sadistic wealthy business mogul in “Would you rather.”