MovieChat Forums > Cary Elwes Discussion > Cary let down at MotorCityComicCon

Cary let down at MotorCityComicCon

I just want to say, in hopes that Cary might actually see this, albeit a slim chance he actually will, I was let down by Cary at Motor City Comic Con 2013 today in Novi, Michigan. I have always been a big fan of Cary's work. Princess Bride has been one of my favorite movies since I saw it as a child. Men in Tights brings back fond childhood memories of laughing my head off, staying up all night at a friends, watching it over and over again. Today at Comic Con, as I was roaming the convention floor, I approached Cary's booth and wanted to take a quick snapshot of him from the sidelines, since I was such a big fan. As soon as I raised my camera, I was quickly approached by two gentleman yelling at me to stop taking his picture. Now, I do understand that if I wanted a photograph taken "with" Cary, I should have to pay for that. However, to just snap a quick shot of him from the side, not obstructing the line of paying fans, there should really be no restrictions. Cary is great at what he does but he is not God. If I were a reporter with a camera and I bumped into Cary on the street, he most likely would have no issue having his photo taken. But if your a fan like myself, and have supported his career by purchasing all of his films, then happen to bump into him at a comic book convention and want a quick pic, you are treated like a criminal. There is just something wrong with that.. The kicker of all this is, I was going to purchase an autograph and photo with Cary today, but I had only been in the convention for minutes when I saw him and thought I would return later after having a chance to wander for a bit. I have to say, I lost a lot of respect for Cary today and most likely will never again look at his films the way I always have. Cary's quote on his Twitter page says, "Be the change you wish to see in the world." I wonder if that includes walking around with your nose in the air...


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I was at Motor City Comic Con as well, and he was one of the prime reasons for me going. He looked pissed off and uptight the whole time. He was the only celebrity I saw who had bodyguards around him the whole time. Even though I wanted to, I never really went up to him. He gave off some seriously bad vibes.

I later learned that a friend of mine had gone and snapped a picture of him. Cary Elwes in response, got up out of the chair, walked over to her, and demanded $40 for it.

He was my hero, my childhood crush, and someone I still find to be a wonderful actor. He's also a conceited, moneygrubbing jerk, and I am incredibly upset about it.. :'(


Dammit, wish I knew about this con earlier. Would have went and met Cary!

Loved him as Dr. Gordon.


Very surprised by the negative comments. I didn't approach his signing booth but I was in the audience for Cary's Q & A panel and he was a tremendous class act. He politely answered every question and personalized each response into a mini conversation. He gave hugs to every lady that asked for one. A few requested a quick picture which was probably not allowed but he and the moderators were lenient about it. He even recorded a video message for my friend's cell phone.


well he's moderating the Psych panel at Comic Con '13 so.. y'know.. his wranglers might not take too kindly to strangers snapping pics of him.
Dirk Benedict turned and put his back to me when I took his picture at Comic Con a few years back... I didnt pay for an autograph but i introduced myself and shook his hand.. Dirk's a recluse and lives in Montana I think... or Colorado.. on a ranch...


If you ran a hotdog stall and people decided that just smelling a hotdog was good enough, I don't care what you think I'm saying they actually think that sniffing a hotdog is sufficient, then what you gonna think about creeps coming up and sniffing your hotdogs?

You gonna get angry.

Man don't got nothing going on right now, he is what he was. What he was is all he is. If you is up against a wall you want people to sniff you own hotdogs, not some other lazy ass dogs.

Obvious, right?


I think the bigger problem is how much these conventions charge just to enter, when you have to pay for pics with the celebrities. It's very misleading when you come out of pocket so much already.

I can understand how it seems harsh that they won't let you take their picture. Part of their contract for showing up at these events is that they get paid for their image. This is why they don't allow anyone to just take their picture.

Also, take this into account. You have a lot of people who would snap and try to sell it, a lot like the paparazzi. You may pay $40.00 for his pic and autograph, and others do this and then charge more for it on eBay.

It's a system to protect the celebrity and I think it just needs to be clarified better up front.


I totally agree. After chatting with a few celebs that actually will talk to fans (Alexis Cruz from Stargate) I've learned that they have to give half of all the money they make from photos and autographs to the convention. Which is why it's a convention person taking the money not the celebs personal assistant. I also had a few friends who would work the cons and I was told that they stop people from taking photos for the exact reason DrmWmn is talking about. Also---Why should someone get a free photo when others have to pay? How is that fair to the paying customers. I am one of the paying customers and I would CERTAINLY pay for Cary's autograph if he were to come to ECCC or Rose City Comicon. To end all this up. Maybe Cary himself was talked to by the con people about letting people get away with too much? Who knows what possibly made him grumpy etc. We all have bad days. Give the guy a break. I've heard nothing but good stuff about him. And if this is what he has to do to make some money so be it.
