MovieChat Forums > Cary Elwes Discussion > Cary let down at MotorCityComicCon

Cary let down at MotorCityComicCon

I just want to say, in hopes that Cary might actually see this, albeit a slim chance he actually will, I was let down by Cary at Motor City Comic Con 2013 today in Novi, Michigan. I have always been a big fan of Cary's work. Princess Bride has been one of my favorite movies since I saw it as a child. Men in Tights brings back fond childhood memories of laughing my head off, staying up all night at a friends, watching it over and over again. Today at Comic Con, as I was roaming the convention floor, I approached Cary's booth and wanted to take a quick snapshot of him from the sidelines, since I was such a big fan. As soon as I raised my camera, I was quickly approached by two gentleman yelling at me to stop taking his picture. Now, I do understand that if I wanted a photograph taken "with" Cary, I should have to pay for that. However, to just snap a quick shot of him from the side, not obstructing the line of paying fans, there should really be no restrictions. Cary is great at what he does but he is not God. If I were a reporter with a camera and I bumped into Cary on the street, he most likely would have no issue having his photo taken. But if your a fan like myself, and have supported his career by purchasing all of his films, then happen to bump into him at a comic book convention and want a quick pic, you are treated like a criminal. There is just something wrong with that.. The kicker of all this is, I was going to purchase an autograph and photo with Cary today, but I had only been in the convention for minutes when I saw him and thought I would return later after having a chance to wander for a bit. I have to say, I lost a lot of respect for Cary today and most likely will never again look at his films the way I always have. Cary's quote on his Twitter page says, "Be the change you wish to see in the world." I wonder if that includes walking around with your nose in the air...


I find that very hard to believe. I had the opportunity to meet him at a con in Ky a couple of weeks ago, in which I was volunteering, and he was the very definition of "dashing." He brought his assistants (con volunteers) coffee in the mornings when he arrived, and didn't have any bodyguards at his sides, just a manager/assistant. He was happy to sign free autographs for the staff volunteers, take as many photos as we wanted, and was nothing short of debonair. He routinely said please, thank you, shook hands, and hugged folks freely.

During his Q&A, he sought out some kids in the audience to take some photos with, even before the session began, and took extra time after the session to take free pics with fans before returning to his booth. He went out of his way to take time with his fans, and his line moved slowly because he took extra time to tell stories to his fans and listen to their stories.

In your account, he was flanked by bodyguards, yet HE got up and demanded $40 from a fan who snapped a candid photo. If he's surrounded by his staff, why would HE do that? I've worked a few cons for the past few years, and a general rule of thumb is that the celeb is the good guy, who signs and smiles for the camera, and the con staff/security is the bad guy, that takes the money and says "No". This is to protect the reputation of the celeb. The celeb would never get up and demand money. If anything like that were to take place, it would have been one of his "bodyguards" that did the dirty work.
