MovieChat Forums > Cary Elwes Discussion > Jim Carrey Praises Cary Elwes

Jim Carrey Praises Cary Elwes

Q: You have to do parts with yourself. Sometimes there were three different characters you were playing on screen at the same time so how did that work?

Carrey: I will avoid the masturbation joke. I've had the most incredible help anyone could ever ask for in Cary Elwes. He really was there for me all the way. He played opposite me playing all the other characters to give me a reference and to give me someone wonderful to play with. He's genius. He was also very helpful as far as accents. I called him accent man because you can literally name any country on the planet and he knows the accent. He was absolutely invaluable to me. He's a brilliant actor and he's wonderful in some of the parts he does in the film as well. I owe him a huge debt of gratitude because he really supported me completely. Can I tell you a point of interest on Cary Elwes a little bit? I just want to say this because I think it's fascinating. Scrooge was actually based on one of his great, great, great uncles. I think it's John Elwes. I'll have to check on the name, but one of his relatives is actually for that character. He was a member of Parliament and he was so cheap that he would wear the same clothes all the time until they were tattered. He wore a wig that he found in the garbage and he wouldn't buy new game until all the meat that he had even if it was rancid - he would finish it. He was the character that Dickens based the story on so it's kind of great.


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LOL! Sounds like Jim has a mancrush!

Very cool about his great, great, great uncle being the basis of Scrooge!


Peace & Love,


The brain doesn't need blood. It just needs to be kept wet.


Awesome feedback from my two fav. comic actors.

Thsi is the second time they've been paired up since Liar,Liar.

Also, its funny how things come full circle. Carrey did a turn as Bob Cratchit in the Mask back in '94 and is now resuming the role of Scrooge.


Doorknob:Carved features, wooden acting.


Man-crush is right.
Very funny!


Master of accents? Really? I remember seeing him on Seinfeld, and his accent keeps slipping somewhere between WASPy American and English.


I agree, but my guess is that he's good with most accents BUT American. Especially since the Christmas Carol would only have British Isles accents, so that's what Jim Carrey would be referring to Cary helping him with. And I've seen Cary in lots of things, and he always sounds right on the money, except for American, where he MOSTLY sounds like upper-class elite like "Frasier", but with some English thrown in there.


The origins of A Christmas Carol are disputed; many consider Scrooge to be a Jewish allegory from a proselytizing Christian perspective.


The two of them are actually good friends, and I think that Jim is the Godfather of Cary's daughter.
