MovieChat Forums > Ewan McGregor Discussion > IMDb cracks me up. Known for:

IMDb cracks me up. Known for:

No mention of Star Wars, but we get T2 Trainspotting. Bwahahaha

Known For: Moulin Rouge! (Christian), Trainspotting (Renton), August: Osage County (Bill Fordham), T2 Trainspotting (Renton)


Decades ago, Ewan was wary of being primarily associated with Star Wars. He wanted to be less like Mark Hamill and more like Harrison Ford.


I think he succeeded in not being pigeon-holed, largely because he kept doing other major pictures in and around the Star Wars prequels. Moulin Rouge, for instance, and he never let himself get jammed into the whole "typecast" thing.

Probably helps that the Prequels didn't launch the whole Star Wars phenomenon, so while they were big movies, they weren't "The" Star Wars Movies. He also was the secondary protagonist, so maybe that was also in his favour.


There is validity to this. He wasn't Anankin, much like Ford wasn't Luke.


It must be based off of what people are talking about? I dunno how they figure it out. It's all algorithms, man.


I know it's algorithms, I just have to wonder what sort of algorithm gives so little weight to Obi Wan Kenobi and freaking Star Wars.


That is very strange, yeah. Factors might be ratings, activity (how many page visits), year of release... I dunno. You'd still think it'd come up with Star Wars.


In comparison, here's Harrison Ford's.

I would argue that he has a larger and more well known catalog than "T2 Trainspotting" yet Star Wars is still listed for him.

Known For: Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indy), The Fugitive (Dr. Richard Kimble), Star Wars (Han Solo), Witness (John Book)


I disagree. I hear Harrison Ford and automatically I think of Han or Indy.

I hear Ewan McGregor, and Renton is the first thing to pop in my head. Then many of his other roles. That may change after the Obi Wan series, but right now it's certainly not the first.


Yep đź‘Ť

As a side note, when I think of Obi Wan it’s Alec Guinness that comes to mind first.


Me too.


Very good point. I think of Obi-wan as one of Ewan's many roles, but I'm just as likely to think of Renton (yeah), or Christian from Moulin Rouge, or even his motorcycling. Whereas Ford *is* Han and Indy.


sslssg has a good point there: Ford's Spielberg/Lucas roles are way more iconic than McGregor's.

We could probably play this game with a LOT of actors. Even Ford, there, I might go, "Where's Blade Runner?"


Personally, Trainspotting is the first thing that comes to mind for me when someone mentions McGregor, certainly not the awful Star Wars prequels. Granted, the Trainspotting sequel might not be everyone’s choice for his finest film but I really enjoyed it, and it makes sense that a more recent film would be included in his bio.


Agreed. 99% of IMDB I disagree with, but this time they got it right.


Trainspotting is a masterpiece. People will be watching it long after Episodes I-III. Hell, that's probably true today...


If you had to choose between seeing Trainspotting three times in a row or those three Star Wars movies, I know I would pick Trainspotting every time.
