MovieChat Forums > Bill Murray Discussion > Hollywood..dont even THINK about tryin t...

Hollywood..dont even THINK about tryin to cancel Bill Murray!

average people (not twitter woke crazies) of a certain age will simply not stand for Bill 'GHOSTBUSTERS' Murray aka Dr Peter Venkman of additional iconic Groundhog Day/Scrooged fame getting cancelled. so yknow, unless hes actually OJ'd someone dont even bother trying

its one thing for it to happen to a genuinly creepy type character actor like kevin spacey . you can sort of deal with that*

its another thing entirely for an entire generations childhero comedy hero star of fricking Ghostbusters to get canned. you wanna try MJF next? what about John Travolta too? Clint? or hey lets retroactively cancel Elvis while we at it

*with Mel they tried but it didnt really work beyond recasting him as Mad Max (which hed already dropped out of) and costing him a couple of action films and maybe a supporting turn in an MCU. Depps kind of the same. and ppl are not standing for it (ok he lost Potter but the FB franchise just isnt happening anyway, and Pirates was wrapped up already) Smith we'll see lol


His behavior has been known for years. Looks like he finally pissed off the wrong person.


Didn't Bill's ex-wife Jennifer during the divorce proceedings, accuse him of being abusive and unfaithful?

It seemed like just about everybody looked the other way when those accusations were launched.


Two years ago on an episode of an English TV show called Sunday Brunch, Jeff Goldblum hinted with a sly smile that Bill is something of a hound dog: "Yeah, he enjoys himself. He is a model of humanity and ecstasy."


how about get mad at the perv?


What's so great about Bill Murray? He wasn't the best Ghostbusters actor or in any movie in general, and I couldn't STAND Peter Venkman.


Sounds like you have a very poorly-developed sense of humor.


Only someone with no sense of humor attacks people like that.


You caught me!


omg are you kidding? Murray was the fricking STAR of the movie! so much so they couldnt even make the 3rd one without him in the 90s as they knew it wouldve been pointless to do it. they had to wait until he got old and didnt give a crap anymore (and got strong armed into paying tribute to Ramis)


Venkman was a fucking JERK!




Um...he's been cancelled for years, it's just, we didn't call it "cancelling" back before the 2010s. His reputation for being a douchebag is legendary, and dates all the way back to the 1970s, but because he had loyal friends in the biz, he kept getting roles until people just plain couldn't stand him anymore in the 90s, and his friends finally abandoned him or died. It's a similar story to why Chevy Chase stopped getting acting roles so frequently after the 80s.


All those SNL originals were douchebags


I cancelled Murray a long time ago. He's a jerk and his movies are ....


I don't hate Bill Murray's movies but I don't know anything about his personal life. I honestly don't spend my spare time looking up news stories about actors or any other kind of celebrity.


Some kind of junk thing to get the press to advertise a movie. I like Bill Murray, but I don't think I will go see a Seth movie he is in though.


some ppl are saying Bill did whatever delibritly so to stop inflicting another lame Seth movie on the world lol


A good chance at that. This goes over budget it will get cancelled.
