MovieChat Forums > River Phoenix Discussion > How many of you were around 23 years ago...

How many of you were around 23 years ago?

And when did you hear the news of his death?

It was around 12 mid on Halloween morning for me. Just getting ready for a Halloween park party the next morning. It was the talk of the day for us.


I was, but I was five...


I was 21 and a university student. A friend of mine arrived late for a lecture and broke the news. These were of course the pre-Internet days, so news travelled much more slowly - this would have been the morning (UK time) of the following day. I had been a pretty big fan, so this was a death that hit hard.


He told me about it - maybe about 3 hours earlier.

He told me to remain faithful to Jesus.

Let no man judge you...

Happy Reformation Day, River.
