John Wick Or Neo?

I remember watching John Wick the day it came out on Blu Ray and Thinking Keanu Reeves may actually be remembered more for this role than Neo

I must admit I'm very biased, As John Wick Is my All Time Favorite Action Movie...

But now With John Wick 1 and 2 Out, Both very Successful at the box office and With critics and fans and a third one Announced and on the way....

and With The Impact the film is having on other actions movies, A ton Of Action movies are trying to replicate/copy John Wicks Action Style...

I think Its entirely Possible, 10 years from now, The next generation Will remember Reeves most for his Role as John Wick over Neo....

I also think theres a very good possibility There may end of being 4 or 5 John Wick films in Total and Maybe some spin offs...

what say you?

Obviously The Matrix films are Iconic and have reached a larger audience, But IMO I still think its possible John Wick May end up being Reeves most Iconic role and Defining Career role



Ted "Theodore" Logan, of course!


Growing up prior to "The Matrix", he was considered that guy from the "Bill & Ted" franchise. Then in 1999 when his career exploded, it was Neo. Now a younger audience will probably remember him as John Wick.

Personally, I'd like to think of him as Johnny Mnemonic. Loved that film even if it received a low score.


I think Wick will probably be remembered as his standard mature character. (He's never not going to be known as Ted)


I agree that Reeves will be more associated with Wick in the future. I was watching an interview with him the other day and the Matrix films just felt like a hundred years ago. They don't resonate with pop culture the way they once did. And Hollywood stars have had a LOT of luck with playing bad ass recurring characters. This is Reeves' John McClane/Rambo/Dirty Harry. He was talking about making a whole damn bunch more of these flicks. Blowing up that world like Fast n the Furious.


John Wick can shoot his guns as much as he wants, but Neo can stop bullets. Neo is the one.


After the huge success of Wick 3 (and Wick 4 has been set already) its Wick more than ever now..

but what's probably going to happen is The Matrix will come back and Reeves will be involved again esp now he's all huge again due to Wick (with Neo in like a lost Luke Skywalker type role but nothing as controversial as The Last Jedi).. and they will get it right this time (after the disappointing sequels) with something approaching the greatness of the original - possibly without the Wachowskis directing although they will be involved in some capacity exec producing/co writing etc (like happened to varying degrees with Lucas & Roddenberry)

So then it'll swing back to Neo. (like Ford coming back to Han Solo after Indiana Jones)

Also its rumoured Reeves is going to appear as the villain in Fast 9 and/or 10 (the Point Break connection coming full circle), and even more importantly it looks like he's going to take a prominent role in the MCU (basically filling the A list star gap left by RDJ) so maybe he'll eventually become known more for MCU!


Utah! get me two!


John Wick, hands down!
