MovieChat Forums > Keanu Reeves Discussion > Incredible how this mixed race, part Asi...

Incredible how this mixed race, part Asian actor is accepted by Whites.

No other half Asian or part Asian actor is so accepted by Whites as being one of their own. There are so many half Asians who are envious of his status.

It's incredible how Whites just assume he is one of their own. They don't even question his citizenship status. They don't ever think or ask "Hey, when are you going back to Asia?" "Wow, your English is so great for an Asian".

They don't ever exoticise him by saying shlt like, "Do you like American food? Or do you like noodles and rice?"

Whites just assume he's white, one of them.

How envious Asian Americans are. They are constantly questioned if they are even American.


What "whites" are you talking about? Most "whites" don't give a shit about race, etc. I don't know a single "white" who even thinks about this stuff. I accept him in the same way I accept Jet lee, Samuel Jackson, Jamie Lee Curtis, Don Cheadle, Clarence Thomas, Tony Shahloub, etc., etc., etc.


Bingo! The only people fixated on race are those who use it to divide people. Most people don’t give a shit.


It's Jet Li, not Jet Lee. But it's the same Chinese character as in Bruce Lee, just different romanization.


No other half Asian or part Asian actor is so accepted by Whites as being one of their own. There are so many half Asians who are envious of his status.

It's incredible how Whites just assume he is one of their own. They don't even question his citizenship status. They don't ever think or ask "Hey, when are you going back to Asia?" "Wow, your English is so great for an Asian".

They don't ever exoticise him by saying shlt like, "Do you like American food? Or do you like noodles and rice?"

Whites just assume he's white, one of them.

How envious Asian Americans are. They are constantly questioned if they are even American.

Your entire assertion is bullshit. How can you possibly know what ALL WHITES think or believe?

You sound like a VERY prejudiced person.


Whites are the problem!


Only the male heterosexual ones.


Such profound ignorance. Do you not realize that the cradle of Western Civilization is the areas surrounding the Mediterranean Sea, which includes Western Asia?


Nice trolling.


Honestly, it's because he looks so white. To a white person he looks like a white person, with slightly unusual looks. Henry Golding looks more Asian than white, so he gets cast in Asian roles, even though he has as much white ancestry as Keanu does, but Keanu gets cast as a white person or a person whose race is unspecified. Keanu even made a couple of movies set in Asia, and looked totally out of place there.

White people are weird about race, they'll accept people like Keanu or Jennifer Tilly as white enough, but they all called Tiger Woods "black", even though he's as half-Asian as Keanu.


As someone who is half-black and half-white, it is quite concerning when people refer to me as just black.


Most people don't care about the race, they simply see the color / shapes. Even Asians would consider Tiger Woods as "black" but at the same time say Naomi Osaka as "Asian."


Well to be honest, with Osaka as her last name it's kinda easy to associate her with being asian.


Just look at her face. She looks Asian, Tiger Woods does not.


Yeah, I was like "WTF is Keanu doing in 47 Ronin" ...


He is making you watch 47 Ronin. If it was starring a random Asian dude, you might not even heard of it. It's a terrible movie anyway.


Yeah, i know ...

But I would rather watch a Takashi Miike Ronin movie ...


Hey, at least in that movie they took the trouble to explain his looks - he was supposed to be the son of a white foreigner!

Even worse was "Little Buddha" (1993), where he played an Indian Prince and had to do dialogue in Hindi, while looking as white as usual despite the brownface makeup, and sounded like a LA surfer dude trying to speak Hindi. His only saving grace in the role was a long sequence with no dialogue, where the Buddha was tempted during medication. He was radiant and charismatic, as long as he didn't try to act.


So, alleged “Age of Reason” OP, you never heard of Brandon Lee? Boy, what a shock.

Pretty sure there’s a whole LOT of stuff that you don’t know.


1. He looks white, more white than me.
2. Not sure what you're talking about "being accepted by Whites" ... whites (like my self) love good actors, regardless of skin color ...
