MovieChat Forums > Will Smith Discussion > Chris Rock was WRONG

Chris Rock was WRONG

Sorry, but for those that do their research - Chris Rock had cracked jokes about Jada's hair before and to do it the night Will was going to win Hollywood's biggest award was tasteless. So were MANY of the stale jokes of the evening (the dissing of Samuel L. Jackson by the three talentless comedian females who were horrific minus Wanda).

But Chris dude- don't insult another man's WIFE in front of him and expect to get away with it. Will Smith is already an emotional mess (this isn't the first time he's lashed out at awards; he punched a man trying to play kiss him on the red carpet a few years back).

Also Will was laughing at the joke until Jada had to make her victim face. But in this case, Will Smith was in the right. Chris Rock was being a jerk. He deserved a smack in the mouth. All the loser comics tonight should take a lesson- stop trying too hard to be funny by being cruel to your OWN PEERS.

Chris Rock looked like a lifeless victim after Will shut him up. And even Denzel came to Will and Jada's side at the commercials.

Chris Rock owes Jada Pinkett an apology.


Oh I see astrology is a known fact. Thanks for your input you behavioural astrologist you.


Libra men don't like being laughed at in public. Ah yes, but the rest LOVES it! FaCts!


Dissing of Sam Jackson by 3 talentless female comediennes - can you say what happened, I missed this


please.. the dude was about to win an award for a film he made over 40 million off of, no pity.. no sympathy


Chris Rock doesn't owe anyone anything (unless they paid to see Bad Company in the theater). Jokes are jokes. If they're insulting, offensive, or even mean, that's tough cookies if someone can't handle it. Luckily, that offended party is free to leave if they want to. Or to drop a bad review on Oscars Yelp page. They don't, however, suddenly get carte blanche to hit someone in the face just because their feelings have been hurt or one of their numerous insecurities were ruffled. This isn't the wild west. That's against the rules.

If Will Smith is already an emotional mess, that's a him problem. Not an everyone else problem.
