MovieChat Forums > Mira Sorvino Discussion > She is kind of a B

She is kind of a B

She is in Louisville, KY for Derby this weekend (May 6th-7th 2016) and she along with a bunch of other celebrities appeared at the Unbridled Eve Derby Gala (a benefit dinner for a backpack charity). This was a black tie affair so its not like random stalkers or creeps can just walk in and accost any of the celebrities. Dean Norris (Hank from Breaking Bad), Robin Thicke, and others attended and were promoted in the materials as celebrities that will attend and may even sit at your table during dinner. There is even an autograph page in the back of the booklet that was given out to attendees of the party. These are paid celebrities.

Dean Norris sat at the table next to us and he took pictures and was vey gracious. Only saw Robin Thicke come through the Red Carpet and he was whisked away by his security and never saw him again (although he may have reappeared after we left) Mira Sorvino secluded herself off from everyone except two trolls (one i found out later was her husband) the entire night. I'm somewhat shy and i don't really feel comfortable approaching any stranger much less someone famous. But everyone was saying just go ask, couldn't hurt. I didn't approach her during dinner but afterwards when everyone was mingling, we approached her and asked if we could get a picture with her. She was very standoffish and said "Not doing pictures"...and brushed us off. She was not gracious to this ex-fan and since she's barely had any hit movies her entire career, she should be grateful for the few fans she does have. I see that her page barely has anyone posting about her which says a lot about how she is viewed throughout the community of movie and tv lovers. I wonder if she has a reputation as being nasty to her fans?

This was always my fear of meeting anyone famous, especially anyone i really admire (she was never in this category anyway for me- i just enjoyed some of her movies such as Mimic and Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion) - that they will destroy your image of them, and retroactively kill any good will that you have towards them and their body of work.



She was not gracious to this ex-fan and since she's barely had any hit movies her entire career, she should be grateful for the few fans she does have.

