MovieChat Forums > Kevin Spacey Discussion > So what exactly has he done?

So what exactly has he done?

And why has his accuser taken so long to mention it? (It's not as if Spacey was that big a star 30 years ago?)

Since the Weinstein 'scandal' (if indeed, one actually exists) it seems that everyone (and their uncle) is jumping on the "ME TOO" bandwagon (if only to keep up with the jones')

Over here in the UK, we've had an MP step down this week, because he (get this?) touched a womans knee (15 years ago)

If someone rapes another person, fair enough (let's throw the book at that person......I'll even provide the rope to hang them) but the lines seem to be getting more and more blurred as to what constitutes "assault" nowadays (especially with this evergrowing generation of entitled privileged SJW snowflakes)

Soon "Chat-Up Lines" will be taken as "Evidence"

But it seems that you're putting you're life (or at very least 'your career') on the line, should you actually find someone else attractive nowadays......How on earth are new couples supposed to meet, marry and procreate in such 'over-sensitive' times we live in?

Shame on all the many turncoats that helped bury Kevin Spacey, in this witch-hunt....based on vague recollections from yesteryear (and little else)

Remember that girl you tried to get fresh with at college......guess what?


Well I'll start by keeping this only on Spacey as Harvey is a different kettle of fish. But at any rate, Spacey's accuser was a kid when the thing was supposed to have happened. Spacey's response was not a flat out denial which would have likely resulted in nothing much happening as it would have been a he said she said situation where everyone would just wonder but it would eventually die down.

No Spacey reacted in a way that pretty much signaled to the world at large that he did in fact rape the boy. It is one thing to say I didn't do this, I never knew who this kid was... Instead he says simply I don't remember, if I did do it it was because I was drunk and by the way I'm gay.... Those are the responses of a innocent man. Then you have reporters that have gone out to verify details in the account (much quicker to act than the police would normally be) and they don't find inconsistencies in the story instead they find details that lead credence to the accusations (apparently the accuser details such as where it happened, where he met spacey the particular theater group and all syncs up).

So it would seem Spacey had a relationship with the 14 year old boy... which is a problem in that in the state of New York the age of consent is 17. Grown man has sex with someone 14 and it is statutory rape. Then you add the additional folks coming forward with more of the same accusations and it seems to be a pattern. Then add in Spacey seeking "treatment for sex addiction" and well its just hard to keep say he's innocent and keep a straight face... Frankly I don't think you could make him look any more guilty than he already does if you pulled out videos of the rapes.


When/where has even the initial accuser mentioned (quote) "Rape"?

(I'm not defending Spacey's actions) but he did proposition the boy in a bar (hardly the place for a 14 year old, don't you think?) and on top of all this, I'm sure that Spacey wasn't that big a star back in 1987 (that the accuser couldn't have complained about it 30 years earlier?)

Now, I'm not some 'Rape Apologist', but even the most recent of allegations don't even hint at 'rape'.......only that Spacey made improper (and ultimately unwanted) suggestions to people (whilst not entirely 'tasteful') doesn't exactly lump him in the Jack The Ripper category either?

The fact that you can even use the word 'Rape' about someone (who is, so far) innocent of such a in itself, an inappropriate form of abuse......however, when YOU make a wrong doesn't matter that much (because you're Joe Schmoe) but when
Spacey does likewise......he's a serial rapist (and everyone comes out of the woodwork)

I also suspect that Spacey "Come Out" probably more out of embarrassment (than to deflect 'guilt') for being busted as a homosexual (despite it being the worst kept secret in Hollywood, anyhow) I'll admit the timing was off, but I genuinelly believe that it was nothing but 'Damage limitation' for Spacey......who probably initially thought the 'outing' was the worst of his problems?


Rapp didn't accuse him of rape... but it did open the floodgate to the other allegations. The one where it was an under age boy that claims to have had sex with Spacey was printed in several other papers shortly after the Rapp allegation and right before Spacey decided to go to the rehab. Frankly at this point there are almost a dozen stories about Spacey and some involved underage sex with boys. And certainly at some point you are likely to get the copy cat nutters making claims because they want to be a part of the story, but then I just can't believe that all of these allegations fall into that category or even half of them.


He was never accused of rape by Rapp. They never even had sex. Hyperbole rules the world now


Sad but true (it's like a dangerous form of 'Chinese Whispers' nowdays) It starts with 'trashy, sensationalist' Nation Enquirer-style soundbites.....and ends with hysteria-fuelled witch-hunts.

From the many varied (and contrasting) reports I've read.....Spacey is an entitled, narcissistic sex-pest (at worst) Nothing to be proud about, but hardly a serial rapist either?


Yeah not even close. Brushing him under the umbrella of pedophilia is another stretch. Whats more disturbing is how people like the previous responder don't even hear the truth, its like its filtered through their eardrums like white noise. And yet their voices are the loudest, they destroy reputations in an instant, its really quite Orwellian


I agree
