MovieChat Forums > Oliver Stone Discussion > So you cant even be a man anymore?

So you cant even be a man anymore?

What world is Mrs. Arquette living in? Doesnt she know that her fine self will get hit on all-time? So he made a move, which any man would make, and she didn’t like that so she had to hang his career?


I wouldn't make a move on her. Her and her whole family are a bunch of frootloops.


Watta u talkin’ about. Her and Rosanna are hot af!


Not anymore and complete nut jobs.


They’d still getting plenty of sausage attention.


Put it in a different context.

You are in a business meeting with a potential client. Things are going well and he sends you flowers after the meeting and invites you to the grand opening of one of his stores. First off, how would that seem to you? But you decide to go anyways. You come with your girlfriend or wife, and that client corners you coming out of the washroom and asks why you brought her? You ask why you wouldn't bring her, and you never hear from that client again.

How would that make you feel? Weird? Uncomfortable? Would you want to work with that client after that? Would you warn others about working with them?


So you think this doesnt happen all the time?
Is this news!!!?




hollywood isn't a normal business


Your completely right. But even if it was FK THAT SHIT!!!


Which "very sexual" movie were they talking about? Nixon?


You ain't seen nothin' yet.


He was being a little aggressive, but this is in no way sexual harassment.

If he was inviting her to a room packed full of people, then it's unlikely that he was gonna touch her up and rape her. It sounds to me he was simply asking for a date, and was just upset and overreacted when he found out she had a boyfriend.

If he was inviting her to a private room, then her fear would be more warranted. But even then, unless there was certifiable evidence that he was planning to rape her, we can't just assume this to be his intent.

The women who instantly believe that he was a wannabe predator based on this story must have never heard the phrase "innocent until proven guilty".


But that’s my point. Ms Arquette I find very attractive and Mr. Stone is within the realm of her profession. A very luscious profession. He formerly invited her. Even the title of the film is a bit suggestive. He didnt invite her and her boyfriend. A better response wouldve been can I take my boyfriend or is this buisness or personal? I am sure she had a clue before hand, which is why she felt the need to take her boyfriend. To his cringe of course he was upset but to ask why did you bring your boyfriend is by no means warrants an insult. He is simply just expressing his displeasure and what was obvious that I already said. He invited her not him. Ms Arquette is very attractive and I am sure she is well aware of the affect she has on men. Was he wrong for trying to bang her? That would make half of the world wrong. And the idiot “boyfriend” who probably was of just of that one night couldn’t possibly measure to Stone’s stature. She wasnt married so he had every right to make a move and have you seen her current one? Wouldnt measure to Stone’s socks either. Arquette is an embarrassment and should wish she had suitors like Stone who is not only brilliant but could set her for life and make wonders for her career.

Did this really warrant a witch hunt and try to public shame Stone?


after her "equal pay" BS speeches and activism is it any wonder she wants to jump on the #metoo movement?


And its only plummeting her career


I'd chalk it it up to if Patricia Arquette found Oliver Stone attractive she'd call it innocent flirtation, but because she didn't find him attractive it's sexual harassment. He wanted to court her and she rebuffed him, and she's pretending she was sexually assaulted.


The woman has been married multiple times and dated hundreds of men but this is worth calling out? Makes me think she had a dark seeded attraction towards him. So he made a move and she didnt like it so she had to sexual shame him though no doubt she has gone through a lot worst and is way passed her prime and it happened a zillion years ago.

What gets me is that she felt for sympathy for a man in Twitter as in let by gones be by gones and believer of a man be forgiven but she didnt here, nut job.
