MovieChat Forums > Quentin Tarantino Discussion > Kept quiet about Harvey Weinstein

Kept quiet about Harvey Weinstein

I am very disappointed In you, Quentin. I expected better of you.


I don't like QT, but I did like a few of his movies.
It's hard to resolve that so I try to make it a point not to pay for watching his movies.

He was an first class jerk, as was Harvey Weinstein to Mia Sorvaino ... and I suspect Weinstein and Tarantino were in a kind of boys club cahoots to screw Mia over after Tarantino dumped her.

Now QT is no doubt going to be very clever in trying to survive. I hope the story comes out.


You literally have no clue what yer talking about, huh? Do you just make shit up? QT actually got in Weinstein’s face and told him to stop harassing Mira sorvino. You don’t even know her name!!! Mia Sorbino??? Lmao!!! The women QT almost married? Your facts are false and you clearly have no clue since you dont even know what her name was. Gtfo.


Yeah, and you have a clue because you read a Hollywood magazine and you like Taranvino's ultra-violent movies because you are a troglodyte. I have a rule that I just put people like you who start out comments with insults on IGNORE after the first instance. I'll give you something to think about in your pointless miserable life, if you have mental problems you start out posts like "you (**&#$&^*#$, the way things really are is .....". No one reads it, no one cares what you think, and most people except other idiots think you are an idiot yourself. IG-NORED


Oh wow! Ignore me because you have to have the last word? You are a troll. And I work in the industry, so have a lot more insight than you. You are just spewing out allegations, because you obviously have hate toward QT. Why even come here to post, if you aren’t a fan. You just came here to shit all over something you clearly know nothing about! So ignore me! I don’t really give a shit. See ya later Dip Shit! Now I’ll ignore you so I don’t have to read your crappy “I’m better than everyone” posts. 🖕🏼


So did 100% of Hollywood dip shit. Including Meryl Streep. Hollywood’s golden girl. You people are so fucking stupid. At least he had the balls to say he knew some things and where’s the rest of Hollywood saying they wish they had done or said something too? Funny how not one person has accused him. Yet here’s you people accusing him of awful shit.


Totally agree. Without saying that his silence was necessarily the "right thing to do", he wasn't the only one in this game. I really don't see how him being honest about it (while most of the people who spoke against him only sound like hypocrites) makes him anywhere near from being as bad as Harvey.

He shut his eyes on this, but so did all the others. Most of the women who scream out loud state fact with a lot of ambiguity, like "I heard stuff". Quentin at least say directly that he knew stuff.

If anything, he is somehow more respectable than most of them.
