MovieChat Forums > Charlize Theron Discussion > Charlize Theron confirms her son is tran...

Charlize Theron confirms her son is transgender

Take, for example, the case of her elder child, seven-year-old Jackson, who was adopted as a baby and introduced to the world as a boy.

For years now, rumours have swirled that Charlize has, in fact, been raising Jackson as a girl.

As photographs have appeared of the child wearing skirts and dresses and with long, braided hair, Hollywood gossips have wondered what on earth Jackson's mother thought she was doing.

But when asked about it on a sunny morning in Beverly Hills, Charlize is matter-of-fact.

Not only is she raising Jackson as a girl — in fact, she says, Jackson is every bit as much a girl as her three-year-old sister, August.

'Yes, I thought she was a boy, too,' Charlize agrees, briskly. 'Until she looked at me when she was three years old and said: 'I am not a boy!'

'So there you go! I have two beautiful daughters who, just like any parent, I want to protect and I want to see thrive.

'They were born who they are and exactly where in the world both of them get to find themselves as they grow up, and who they want to be, is not for me to decide.

'My job as a parent is to celebrate them and to love them and to make sure that they have everything they need in order to be what they want to be.

'And I will do everything in my power for my kids to have that right and to be protected within that.'


A girl with a penis is like a monkey with a banana.


If Jackson wants to be a girl, good for them, and I wish them well, but who the hell knows who and what they are when they're three?

This is potentially performative wokeness taken to dangerous and abusive levels.

In other words, it's rich white people exploiting their privilege and effectively abusing less privileged children, such as adoptees, for their own narcissistic purposes.

Honestly, I sometimes wonder if the world would be a better place if all rich white liberals just disappeared.


wow, these hollowood sickos are worse than i thought...... she bought a child and decides what gender it should be...... sick fucks,

like madonna, who bought slaves... eh, i mean kids to entertain her in her old lonely age and shower them with money and expensive gifts in return


Child abuse.


It's not limited to Hollywood, it's that women in general follow the herd.

Most are lemmings that will mimic whatever signals are sent from the culture; they will follow those signals straight off a cliff, happily taking their children with them.


Most are lemmings that will mimic whatever signals are sent from the culture; they will follow those signals straight off a cliff, happily taking their children with them."

exactly..... like the fools of europe voting for merkel and the likes


Still no


Wow, some people on this board really take any opportunity to get mad and insult people because of their political views..


Politics aside...this is an alarming trend that is going to cause multiple psychological and emotional problems for these future generations ..
This isn't politics. It's common sense.
Toddlers don't really even understand what gender is..or sex or race or any one of the subtext of ideas we seem eager to imprint on them.
They are highly suggestible and easily manipulated.

How about just raising them to be open minded without prejudice and to treat others like they want to be treated?


Really? A trend? Where I live, on the contrary , parents tend to not rel'y accept this for some reasons. Each place has different values, I'm totally aware. Still, here it is not so much something that most parents are comfortable with.


Yes, it is a trend lately.
And why must everyone be so extreme? Is not accepting a toddler to decide his entire life's direction being "not accepting"... or being a good parent.
How about allowing them to grow up and decide when they have the tools to make major life changing decisions?... And then accepting them no matter what they decide.
How about a little common sense in this world that isn't about politics?


Yeah see... you convinced me. You are quite persuasive pal, I'm impressed. I'm being serious here.


People like this are sick, forcing this messed up belief on an innocent child. This world is messed up. No wonder why we have so many mass shootings.


We have trans people in Australia too, but no mass shootings. Maybe not so related after all.


Well, except for the couple we have had..


None since 96. We're doing ok when you look at our American friends.


2019 Darwin

Maybe not as bad as the USA but still classed as a mass shooting.


You win mate!

Glad we know we can trace this all back to the trans community too. Those shifty mass-shooting enticing buggers.


You can take me out of context if you like, I posted the link to show you that we have had mass shooting since 1996.


I was poking fun at the op mate. Just a joke, it's all good.


Let the kid grow up first, I had minor tomboy ways but still "enjoyed being a girl"! If they want to change as adults, then I am OK with it


What scares me the most about Leftard's is they really believe this shit. It's not just a power game to enforce on others, they believe this crap.


Believe what mate? That some people suffer gender identity issues? I get that it's hard for people to understand or accept, but it's just the way it is. I wouldn't let it get to you. This world has bigger problems I'd say.


Does this kid actually suffer any issues though or is it Charlize just saying he does? Since the "Safe Schools" thing in Australia doctors have reported more and more young kids saying they have gender issues. But do they really or are they just influenced?

It's part of the world's bigger issues.


Yeah, no idea. I imagine she believes she's doing the right thing for her kid and I'd hope she wouldn't be so narcissistic as to make her child suffer for her own ideals. "Oh, this trans thing is really in, I think my boy should be trans!". Yeah, don't buy that. What sort of monster would actually wish a life of ridicule and discrimination on their own child? Because we all know different = freak in this BS conservative-dominated world.


Conservative dominated? I don't think so, if it were this would not be a thing at all.


Well, if you look at who's in charge of America, Australia and the UK you do notice a running theme...


Yeah but sadly the Left did a march through the Universities and colleges, Hollywood is all Libtard as well. They still have too much of a voice and push their poison even though they aren't in Government and aren't even employed to govern at all. So at the moment the rabid Left are still dominant.


So you won't be happy until all voices from the left are silenced? Sounds like a very 1940's Berlin-ny attitude there mate. Sieg Heil!


So you won't be happy until all voices from the right are silenced? Sounds like a very 1940's Berlin-ny attitude there mate. Sieg Heil!

ANTIFA = Sturmabteilung


It was a joke


sadly the antifa compassion is not...... from the way they operate to even the colors .....
only difference, SA were not cowards who hid their faces


Not at all


No prove it


As an older white guy in the US, I have some personal feelings about the progress of our culture, but I have to wonder if we have finally let the dam of relief break down and realize there are a lot of people who are deeply unhappy with their gender designations. I personally am not comfortable with it, but with all the stigma attached to LGBTQ behavior -- yet people still persevere -- I wonder if it's something we've tried to ignore and sublimate for all this time. Maybe sexuality for a certain % of people isn't easy and binary. Even If I was homosexual, I wouldn't want to admit it because it's shameful in the culture I grew up in. Things are very different now. We should at least try to navigate these waters.


Nice words man, thanks for your measured response. It's refreshing.


If an adult wants to change genders than I am ok with that. It is when this stuff affects kids I am very cynical about it. Kids change their minds often, even the United Nations don't consider someone an adult until after 25 years of age. The brain has not fully formed until after that.

So the idea of a 7 year old thinking they are the wrong gender and being egged on by a Liberal minded parent and school etc? It's a worry.


And that's a fair concern too. The thing is, legally a person has to go through a long process of psychological evaluation before they can even start hormone therapy, let alone the surgical transition process. It's never the choice of the parents or children alone. The other thing is, I can't accept that ANY parent, regardless of political persuasion, would wish gender identity issues upon their child. The mental torment and social disadvantages trans people suffer are just too great, and everybody knows that.

Have you seen Louis Theroux's doco 'Transgender Kids'? It's quite enlightening to actually see what these families go through. I'd recommend it.


I haven't seen it but that doco was a while ago.

I do fear that all those safeguards have been or are being removed now due to agendas and PC sensibilities.


The thing is, legally a person has to go through a long process of psychological evaluation before they can even start hormone therapy

Right now, a long process of psychological evaluation is not much better than a internet test. Most of popular mental disorders right now, like gender dysphoria, or asperger, or ADHD, are barely understood. They have a list of symptoms, and that's very much it. Gender dysphoria is by far the most obscure one, they don't even know whether it's related to homosexuality, to some body-swap fetish (autogynephilia) or to what. So even though they have a list of symptoms, they really don't know what those symptoms mean or why they should be put together in a list. They barely know shit.


The other problem is these things tend to get clouded in the agendas of the Left. They want a certain outcome so plan towards it. It is like climate change. Anyone who suggests something contrary or even something that is a little different are howled down in a fit of rage.


but I have to wonder if we have finally let the dam of relief break down and realize there are a lot of people who are deeply unhappy with their gender designations

The question is: why do you care about gender designations?

You like romance novels? Then read romance novels. You like banging guys? Then bang guys. You like gossip magazines? Then read gossip magazines. Nobody forbids you to do so.

I never understood that obsession with gender designations. I'm a male because I'm in a male body. If my body magically swapped to a female body, then I'd be a female. And that's it. There's nothing deep or spiritual or religious, it's just bloody simple biology. Both cases, I'd rather do what I like, so, what's the obsession with the label? Right now, I'd rather read Jane Austen than watch sports. That doesn't fit in the 'male gender archetype'... so what? I love Marian Keyes novels (I actually do), that doesn't fit in the 'male gender archetype' neither... so what?. I don't enjoy sex without emotional connection (I wish I would), that doesn't fit in the 'male gender archetype'... so what?

Get out of the box, don't look for a new box where you can be boxed.


That is fine and I have lots of interests that aren't classically male as well. The difference here is that children are becoming rather confused and it's more complicated than just saying "OK Johnny, you are a Joan, nature made a mistake". It's a complex issue especially as it involves surgery in the long run depending on how far the person wants to go.

I just feel it's another toy the Libs enjoy playing with and as per your other post they don't really understand it either or care. It's just a game for them.


No, mate, they suffer so-called gender identity issues because things need to be be made complicated in our reckless self-absorbed new age, or we're not being "progressive". TG are mentally-ill, but that would not fit in with people who have too much time on their hands and need to find a problem where none exists.

But, no, not everything revolves around politics and what political party one belongs to


You state things like they are a fact.(on various boards) Don't arrogantly dictate what others should be concerned about. The world's problems include B.S. like gender identity issues.

One child I read about killed himself because he could not tolerate his supposed gender. That's a "big" problem for people that care about the human condition.


Of course some people believes it. And they even enjoy it.

I have no problem with LGBT people. But it's total bullsh*t to include kids in that kind of process.

The boy said: "i'm a girl" and Charlize said: "Yes you are".

Young children say a lot of things like that.

If he said "I'm a tomato" or "I'm a girafe" what would Charlize say ?

I suppose that someone will say "it's not the same thing". But in fact it's not the same thing because we decided it was not the same thing.


I agree I think they are playing with fire and we are already seeing them get burned with it. Trans women are beating the crap out of CIS women in sports, a lot of women don't like the idea that a man can become a woman and then claim female privileges etc.

Kids are confused and depressed. But none of it matters because it all feels so damn "progressive" lol.



End of the day... (im sorry) your son is a boy.

Im so sorry he has been inundated with so much nonsense.

A boy is a boy, a girl is a girl.... how to deal with that is the way to proceed...

This is your child... don't get a do-over...
If he is gay, straight, Bi or whatever is one thing.

Don't let him mutilate himself for a cause that is purely political.


She should lose custody of her kids. Unfit mother!
