MovieChat Forums > Charlize Theron Discussion > Threatens to (quote) "F**k up anyone who...

Threatens to (quote) "F**k up anyone who criticizes drag queens"

Only thing she ever 'fucked up' was the Mad Max franchise...Stupid, delluded bitch


yeah! know your place wumman!

Mad Max was miles better back when the mens butt cheeks hanging out of their S&M chaps!
amirite ?


Is amirite a precious stone?


"yeah! know your place wumman!"

Isn't that the accusation often labelled at us 'misogynists' who fiercely defend trans rights? 🤔

Once again, I 'apologise' for the world being a complex, non-binary, place...


Yeeaahh... she can kiss me arse.


Most of the criticism of drag queens I've encountered have come from trans-exclusionary radical feminists, many of who identify as 'left-wing' and believe that drag queens are mocking women, and thus akin to Blackface. Of course, I don't agree with the latter, but I hope that if Charlize is truly committed to 'fucking up' any anti-drag queen bigots, she will focus her attention on her fellow 'feminists', many of whom, at least in the UK, where I come from, are at the forefront of transphobic and anti-drag queen hate. 😠

Once again, the FACTS don't always fit convenient left versus right, or evil men versus virtuous women, dynamics. The world is FAR MORE complicated than that, and those of us with a BRAIN, recognise that.


That's the real irony with it all. Feminist's for the most part are Left Wingers and now their doctrine is insisting Drag Queens and Trans women are accepted even though traditionally Feminist's have not liked either group.

I do love it when the monster they fed turns on them.


I'm a left-winger and a feminist, as well as a trans-rights supporter. I don't take any satisfaction in seeing the left 'turn against each other,' BUT I do think this all proves what I've LONG said, which is the world is a COMPLEX place, and you can't reduce it to simple left versus right binaries. That applies whichever side of the political spectrum one sits (although, dare one say it, to an even greater extent to the left, since those of us on the left hitherto prided ourselves with a complex and sophisticated understanding of the world, as well as a sense of compassion and fairness towards ALL marginalised people; which is why I despair at the rise of a certain type of "know-nothing" Tic-Tok/Twitter activist who is often very young, and doesn't possess the maturity and depth of intelligence to successfully navigate such complexities).

Trans rights, which I staunchly support, is nevertheless a complex issue that must also consider competitive women's sport, the right to single-sex safe spaces, and possibly the issue of whether drag is some form of mockery/debasement of women (I personally disagree that the latter is, however, I also respect any good faith arguments and hurt feelings that pertain to this belief, however misguided I may regard it; denying a person's identity is intrinsically hurtful and disturbing, and I certainly don't think anyone should break bread with Nazis and virulent bigots, BUT, when two or more minority and/or vulnerable groups' rights are in potential conflict, that occasionally requires a mature and comprehensive conversation rather than censure and hate against so-called 'TERFS' or 'MISOGYNIST AUTOGYNEPHILES')


Is there any need for such misogyny?


She's part of the club. She will say anything to get a role. Disgusting.


What are you talking about? Drag queens don't rule Hollywood/the entertainment industry.


It's all part of the Hollywood, leftist agenda and narrative (sorry if they aren't what you consider leftists. Take it up with them). New "genders" being announced all the time, you are who/whatever you say you are, if it feels good, do it, no such thing as objective truth, etc., etc., etc.


'New "genders" being announced all the time, you are who/whatever you say you are, if it feels good, do it, no such thing as objective truth, etc., etc., etc.'

My God, that's a great summing up of society today!


I criticised Hollywood for many reasons, and I still regard a lot of its pronouncements as posturing and fake virtue, however, in this instance, and speaking as someone who is sensitive and considerate of minority rights, I think it's less a case of enforcing an ideological agenda on the world, and more a case of treading carefully and respecting each individual's rights and identity. Biological men and biological women who identify as thus, are no more going to be 'eradicated' than straight people have been eradicated by the legalisation of gay sex and gay marriage. However, as a LIBERTARIAN, albeit a socialist libertarian (and, yes, they DO exist; look it up if you don't believe me), I support each individual's freedom and liberty, and right not to be stigmatised for who they are.


It’s always funny when these mentally ill actors succumb to their delusions that they are actually the characters they pretend to be.

It’s like 5’4 DeNiro talking about kicking people asses like dogs. He couldn’t even take Charlize.


DeNiro would be applauded if he could even kick a ball without hurting himself. He does not look like he is in good health. Charlize virtue signals way too often, I know we have to expect some of this crap from these people but with her it's like she picks a cause out of a hat and champions it.


Maybe she feels some guilt for being a white South African/Afrikaner. I know I would if I shared her identity...

I know she talks the talk of how her family treated their Black farmhands as family yada-yada-yada (what else is she going to say?), and how she was chums with Mandela, BUT the truth is, she is descended from a people and a family who stole and colonised land, and forced Black people to be their de facto servants, whilst treating them as second-class citizens until the late 1980s.

I know these people have such fragile egoes, and see themselves as the heroes in their own head-movie (which is why I suspect Charlize would prefer to talk about her mother killing her abusive, alcoholic father, than speak about her PRIVILEGED status as a farm-owning Afrikaner), but a lot of these WHITE movie-stars need to get their heads out of their PRIVILEGED asses, stop claiming FALSE identities (i.e. "my great-great-great grandmother was one-eighth Native American" or some other UNVERIFIED, guilt-easing BULLSHIT; especially since a lot of these faux-Native whites will be Southerners whose ancestors will have, IN FACT, fought for the RACIST/WHITE SUPREMACIST Confederacy during the Civil War), and ACKNOWLEDGE their WHITE PRIVILEGE (instead of doing a Ben Affleck, and forcing PBS to censor a documentary which revealed that his ancestors were SLAVE-OWNERS).



The virtue signalling is strong with this one.


Sounds like someone has her grip on Hollyweird slipping and is soon going to retire, but wants to get attention doing something stupid first.
