MovieChat Forums > David Bowie Discussion > Why didn't he do more acting?

Why didn't he do more acting?

He was a very good actor, with a wonderful mysterious screen presence and a face the camera loved. He could have had done much more acting than he did, or after the success of "Labyrinth" and "The Hunger" in the 80s, he had an excellent chance to be a genuine movie star.

So why didn't he do more acting? His screen appearances were always welcome, but sporadic.


Too busy banging supermodels and being a living god, I guess.


Yeah, if anyone ever had better things to do than be a movie star, it was Bowie.


Otter have you seen Luc Besson’s animated film, Arthur and the Invisibles? It’s loosely based on the King Arthur legends. The voice cast includes Bowie, Freddy Highmore, Snoop Dog and Madonna, among others. Bowie plays the Big Bad, a man who has transformed into a monstrous weevil. It was a fantastic part for him, and he was made for fantastic roles: Labyrinth, The Man Who Fell To Earth, Ziggy Stardust, Twin Peaks. Damn, he made everything he did look so easy, which means he worked his ass off at doing it.


Good point.


Each one of his music videos is a better short movie than most of the contemporary feature films ((


He was funny as heck playing Andy Warhol in the film Basquiat.


I watched The Prestige again the other night and thought he was fantastic as Nikola Tesla.



It seemed like he did a descent amount of acting. He was just more focused on making a ton of music I guess.


Maybe some parts he was offered didn't interest him? Too busy with his music?


The Man Who Fell to Earth and Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence were interesting.


He was onboard to reprise his role as Phillip Jefferies (Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me) in season 3 of Twin Peaks when his health, then subsequent passing, prevented him from participating.

Lynch still honored his character (and the man) by not recasting his role, but . . . ah . . found another solution.
