MovieChat Forums > Michael Caine Discussion > First Time You Saw Michael Caine

First Time You Saw Michael Caine

Dressed To Kill was my first Michael Caine experience, followed by The Hand, so now at age 40 it still never fails that when I see him in a role I am a little freaked out! LOL. He played those crazy roles so well. Going back watching him in those older movies now (with that crazy look in his eyes and that crazy hair), my reaction is almost the same as it was then. Very good actor!

Shanika Patrice Carter


^This and, possible, Jaws IV




Ya know, Sweets, I met Michael Caine once.
Yeah, I met Michael Caine in 1962 in Memphis, Tennessee.
I was walkin' down the street minding my own business, just walking on. Feelin' good.
I walk around the corner, a man walk up, hit me in my chest, right. I fall on the ground, right.
And I look up and it's Michael Caine.
I said 'Mr. Caine?!' and he said 'Ooops, I thought you were some body else.'
Knocked the wind out of me, yes he did.



The Muppet Christmas Carol.


Same here.


The first time I saw Michael Caine was in Too Late the Hero then probably The Hand.


Dirty Rotten Scoundrels


I honestly have no idea... most likely in either Beyond the Poseidon Adventure, Sweet Liberty or The Man Who Would Be King.


There was a time when he was a regular guest on chat shows, etc and when you add those to all his films that's 400+ appearences. Basically the guy in omnipresent and I have no idea when I first noticed him - probably in some older film on TV - possibly Zulu.
Also, looking at IMDb credits, Caine spent something like 18 years in minor TV or uncredited film roles before suddenly appearing in Zulu so it's quite possible that technically I saw him many times before that.
