MovieChat Forums > Farrah Fawcett Discussion > RIP Farrah Fawcett...

RIP Farrah Fawcett...

who sadly passed ten years ago today. You are always loved and dearly missed!!!




Her death was practically ignored because of Michael Jackson. I admire Farrah because she was able to break out of the somewhat cheesy Charlie's Angels phenomena and went on the better roles. Pretty lady.

Rest in peace. 🌹


I remember that day. The TV news reported both deaths, so sad. But I thought that her death would be overshadowed by Michael Jackson's passing. And I thought it was so unfair. She lived a healthy, clean life. She fought hard to survive while Michael Jackson basically ruined his body with surgery and drug use.

She was a beautiful lady and very talented. She worked hard to prove her acting chops after the fluff of Charlie's Angels.


It’s her fault she was overshadowed. She should have molested more kids.


Her poster molested young me.


"healthy, clean, life"? Really? You do know her cause of death? I'm not even sure I can say what form of cancer here without being flagged for the word. It is caused by HPV. I know people don't like to believe there are consequences to promiscuous sex beyond unwanted pregnancy - but there are. This cancer is one of those. If you want to say I sound like a prude - so be it. You'd be wrong. This comes from being a microbiologist.

I was never a fan of Charlie's Angels but I did love her dramatic acting.


I wouldn't say you "sound like a prude". I'd probably agree with you about the consequences of promiscuous sex. But that would be a whole other topic! I've seen ads for that pill that both men and women can take. It's some sort of drug that helps prevent HIV. I usually talk back to the TV when it's on and say, "If you kept it in your pants, you wouldn't have to worry about HIV!"
As for Farrah Fawcett, I only know what I read about her cause of death- anal cancer. I have no clue as to whether or not she was promiscuous. All I ever thought was that she was totally NUTS to leave Lee Majors and hook up with that flake Ryan O'Neal.
I'm no medical professional so I cannot say just exactly what causes certain cancers. Even medical science can't say for sure.

I am going by the lifestyle she seemed to embrace. She was athletic, a non-smoker, not overweight, etc. Of course I've known a few non-smokers who ended up with lung cancer. And then there was my late father who smoked like the proverbial chimney for over fifty years and never got lung cancer (or any other cancer).


I think cancer is a roll of the dice and possibly genetics. Some folks do everything right and still get it. Some people smoke like a chimney and never get lung cancer. HPV is not the only cause of anal cancer. We'll never know. Science just doesn't have all the answers yet. Still, I was sad to hear of her death.
