So depressing

Her new look is so depressing
...I thought Linda Hamilton looked aged as F or Kelly McGillis and let themselves go ...but Bridget Fonda sadly is the saddest transformation ever,she was stunning as a young upcoming actress, she let herself go?What happened?She had an accident I think...We all age it's inevitable but I think she let herself go for some reason.Monica Bellucci is at the same age and she looks stunning or Salma Hayek(2 years younger)


This is why I hate the media! THIS is none of the media’s business. Leave the lady alone.


I'm glad to see we can agree on something.


Completely agree with you.


She looks sad. I hope she doesn’t get wind of this. People are cruel.


I hope she doesn't but it's not likely she won't hear about the way people are reacting. I feel so sad for her. She does look very sad. It wasn't her physical change that was sad, it is the look on her face and in her eyes. But like the previous poster said, it is her business and it's disgusting the way the media invades people's lives.


No damn way! Is that really her?


I agree with actors on this point - the paparazzi are the fucking scum of the earth. She hasn't been in a movie in 20 years, and yes, she put on a little weight in her later years, happens to a lot of us. However, most people don't have to endure such public mockery. She tried to sink into obscurity, and even after twenty fucking years avoiding the screen these fucking vultures seek her out and plaster her all over the internet. That poor woman. Fuck the people that took the photo and fuck Dana Kennedy.


she doubled her weight from 10 years ago, that's a bit more than "a little weight"


Perhaps I am sympathetic because I can relate. In my youth, I was an athlete. I took to drinking and eating during college and put on a substantial amount of weight (like Bridgette). Eventually I stopped drinking, started eating right, lost 90 pounds and finished an Ironman distance triathlon. Not a single paparazzi took of me a picture at the height of my fatness and drunkness and broadcast it to the world. I would think after 20 years out of the spotlight, Bridgette would have earned the same right to obscurity that I enjoyed, but I guess once you are a celebrity, you can never really leave the club.


I guess there's always that 'public interest' angle, as evidenced by the conversation it's sparked on this board (not a dig AT ALL, I think it's a perfectly natural and understandable reaction to seeing someone who was in the public eye with a specific image, now looking SO different).


I don't believe that's Bridget Fonda. There is nothing similar except for being white.


I did notice on two pictures from a side angle that the nose seem identical. Then again, lots of people can have the same nose shape so it's not really a proof either. But it did install a little doubt in my mind.


Depressing is the mean spiritness of the article. People off themselves over comments like this.
I didn't know it was that long since she was seen in public. Did she quit acting or just another case of ageism?


Read the article you lazy bum.


I don't read tabloids.


Ok. You are above it. I understand. Asking info from anonymous posters on a random forum... now THAT's a reliable source. LMAO.


You're constantly mean spirited here, hypocrite.


What's depressing is morbidly obese America is just embarrassing to the rest of the world. The U.S. is NOT in an obesity crisis anymore, it's an obesity apocalypse.


Eh, she's out of the public eye, she no longer has to starve and work out and get plastic surgery and spend ten times your year's income at the dermatologist, if she wants to get work. Hollywood is a bitch to aging women, and some do what she's done, say "Fuck it" to Hollywood and everything associated with it, including the industry's idea of what a woman should look like.

She has a right to freely choose between Hollywood and carbs, she can afford to choose, and she's made her choice.


Has there been confirmation that the woman in the pic is really her? I'm not convinced until I hear verification.

If it is her, the days of "Jackie Brown" are long gone. But at least she had a prime (Not everyone can say that).
