MovieChat Forums > Bridget Fonda Discussion > Danny Elfman is a pretty ugly guy - Did ...

Danny Elfman is a pretty ugly guy - Did he facilitate this?

I don't want to get bogged down in the whole hornets nest of the rights and wrongs (if there is any!) of Bridget Fonda's new found portliness.

Nor do I wish to wade through the swampy waters of beauty's overreaching place in society and whether that's right or wrong.

But psychologically it is quite interesting that Bridget Fonda married Danny Elfman and has landed up in her current position. Do you think the situation almost leads to a kind of free pass? i.e. "It doesn't matter what I do because I can't really land up any worse than my partner".

Could that have been at play here?


He seems to have some kind of fat fetish going on. Just look at his daughter


How the hell's that a fetish???
Its his daughter ffs!!! And she isn't fat.


danny elfman used to like little girls


To he fair little girls is what the band members of Oingo Boingo called their groupies. It's as simple as that.


Funny how no one in the 80's found it objectionable or thought it was a pedophilic. It's just about groupies.


He's 10 years older than her and in WAY better shape. I don't care male or female, letting one's self go like that seems pretty inconsiderate to one's spouse.


Way better shape? I guess so. He looks disgusting, though.


I'll just say, I won't be getting the poster.


I'll say this if you love someone you'll help them take care of their health. Some people can put on an extra 10-20 lbs. and not have too much to worry about. But that's not what we're talking about here. We talking 100 lbs. over normal weight into morbid obesity.

It's simple, America has turned into a goddamn catastrophe. Same goes for almost all of western civilization. I went to Australia in 2010 and they eat almost the exact same junk food American's do and they look just as obese. During my trip to Melbourne I was on an escalator in a casino and this HUGE Aussie was eating a bunch of nacho's slathered with cheese right there on the escalator.
I flew back to Korea and told my friend what happened and he said "junk food has destroyed the world". In places like U.S., U.K. Australia, New Zealand it's absolutely true.


I'll say this if you love someone you'll help them take care of their health.

I guess you could equally state that if you love someone you take care of your own health. At least to the extent of health you are in control of.

As per the OP, this is what I find interesting re this situation. Did she marry him, think this guy's not exactly attractive, so he'll never call me out on excessive eating? Maybe the exact opposite - he wasn't bothering with her so she ate excessively as a cry for help which was ignored? As someone else said, maybe he's a chubby chaser and has positively encouraged her?

Who knows 🤷


It definitely could be the reasons you stated but no matter what there's no excuse to be morbidly obese. I've been to the grocery store and I swear I counted 32 out of 33 people that looked not just obese, but morbidly obese. It's not an obesity epidemic anymore like it used to be, it's an obesity apocalypse.


"No excuse"? You're talking like she has horrifically offended you and your ancestors and everything else you love and cherish. She is her own person, you people saying that phrase don't own her. And you ever care to think its maybe a health problem going on with her??? Thyroid, depression meds, heart meds (she mentioned she has a heart condition once), hormonal and lots of those with a woman her age can be hard to adjust and get under control. She also now looks to be about the same size and body style of her mother in a pic posted earlier on here. And that picture looks normal.
Don't start with that "no excuse" hogwash BS. You don't own her. She is her own person. And stop judging and assuming. You know what that makes one who assumes like that.


All I'm saying is take the cakes, cookies, chocolates, cocoa puffs, choco pies, caramels, cereals, cinnabuns, cokes, cola's, cream puffs, cream-sickles, carrot cakes, chocolate syrups, chips, chocolate chip cookies, coconut cream pies, candies, confections, chex, corn flakes, cheese cakes, cadbury's, cupcakes, crepes, away from Bridget..

..and introduce her to some goddamn carrots!

This is just the letter C!


That's pretty rude, and apparently never read a single thing I said either.

Its so sad and revealing how the ability to hide behind a screen name on the internet shows the true side of people. Leave the poor woman alone.


Wow, that is pretty good. Make a list with another alphabet. Just enjoy things in moderation.


Donuts, Ding-Dongs, Dots, Dums-Dumbs, Doritos, Dippin Dots, Dairy Queen, Devils Food Cakes, Dannon, Deep Dish Pizza, Dove Chocolate Bars, Double Fudge Cookies, Danish Cookies, Dunkaroos, Danimals, Dreamsickles, Diet Soda, Duck Dickz, Dr. Pepper, Deserts, Deserts, Deserts aD infinitum.


Maybe her husband has and is trying to help her and maybe shes already working on it???
I just love how people judge and assume off the bat.
And how do we know that its caused by medications she can't actually be off of?? Some combinations for various simultaneous health issues can indeed do that. Also seeing how he mother Susan Brewer is the same size. So genetics plus health.

She also left to care for her son as she says here in this video as others have posted:




I was not aiming this at you, just a general statement. I agree with you. The OP is wrong.


Its cool. No worries.


How can the OP possibly be wrong when they simply put forward a question?

What nonsense!


If that was her, so be it. People gain weight as they age, and she has been out of the spotlight for a long time. It is also rude to call her husband ugly. I recall being shocked at how chubby the late singer George Michael became prior to his death, but didn't judge him. Some people retain their looks as they age, some don't.


She looks normal to me. Just very different.
The public are being complete asshats.
