MovieChat Forums > Froggydancei

Froggydancei (14)


Question about this interview Question about this fonda interview Bridget explains leaving the industry for a while interview View all posts >


That's what I thought. Its cool. No worries. She looks normal to me. Just very different. The public are being complete asshats. That's pretty rude, and apparently never read a single thing I said either. Its so sad and revealing how the ability to hide behind a screen name on the internet shows the true side of people. Leave the poor woman alone. "No excuse"? You're talking like she has horrifically offended you and your ancestors and everything else you love and cherish. She is her own person, you people saying that phrase don't own her. And you ever care to think its maybe a health problem going on with her??? Thyroid, depression meds, heart meds (she mentioned she has a heart condition once), hormonal and lots of those with a woman her age can be hard to adjust and get under control. She also now looks to be about the same size and body style of her mother in a pic posted earlier on here. And that picture looks normal. Don't start with that "no excuse" hogwash BS. You don't own her. She is her own person. And stop judging and assuming. You know what that makes one who assumes like that. Yes. Definitely health related. Not something sinister. Post-menopausal, thyroid, adrenal issues, so many things. And they're all tricky to treat. Especially if multi-issues. But again, she just seems normal to me?? A lot of changes can happen in 12 years and seeing that pic of her mom, seems just like a natural normal genetic thing. Seems active and in shape, actually. Could also be steroid meds. People just jump to creepy freaky stupid theories because they're bored or its more exciting to them. When most of the time its just something very simple and non-eventful. All that aside, its amazing how much she and her mom look alike. Younger them and now. Young pics of her mom could easily pass as a Bridget clone! Really cool if you ask me. Same kind smiles, too. Maybe her husband has and is trying to help her and maybe shes already working on it??? I just love how people judge and assume off the bat. And how do we know that its caused by medications she can't actually be off of?? Some combinations for various simultaneous health issues can indeed do that. Also seeing how he mother Susan Brewer is the same size. So genetics plus health. She also left to care for her son as she says here in this video as others have posted: How the hell's that a fetish??? Its his daughter ffs!!! And she isn't fat. Also, in response to other posts ...he isn't Scientologist either. His brother, nephew, and niece in law jenna elfman are. View all replies >