16 years

Hey Gene, it's been 16 years since your last picture. Your fans miss you. I know I do. You're too great as an actor to retire. My favorite pictures.

The French Connection
The Conversation


Don't worry about him. He's been living comfortably in his lair with Otis and Ms. Teschmacher for the past 16 years.


I would think at 91 he's entitled to retire if he wants to. Not everyone has Betty White's stamina.

(I do mean this lovingly towards both of them)


As I hear it, he's not exactly sitting around. He's been writing and painting. I think some of his books have actually been published.


Speak for yourself. 92 is my cutoff for people being entitled to retire.


He is one of the most missed actors in the business but I can't hold a grudge against him for retiring early - it has allowed him to enjoy many years out of the spotlight, hopefully with more to come.


Leave him be, he deserves it. He’s done his bit.




In a way it’s nice that he got out before Hollywood turned into a cesspit of wokery and low IQ fodder for the Chinese market, but his retirement was a tragedy nonetheless.

I wish he’d held on like Pacino, doing smaller films and popping up on streaming, even if he just made some small cameos.

Guy was an alpha powerhouse, the kind that don’t even exist anymore now that most men are low testosterone gender-fluid worms 😞


"In a way it’s nice that he got out before Hollywood turned into a cesspit of wokery and low IQ fodder for the Chinese market, but his retirement was a tragedy nonetheless."

Gene Hackman strikes me as a very intelligent person. It shows in his characters and is demonstrated by the successful post-Hollywood career he's had as a writer (I haven't read any of his western novels, but I consider it a "success" that he was able to write them at all!). My bet is that Hollywood was already insufferable to him well before the oppressive wokeness of today, thence making his acting exit much less of a difficult decision for him.

I have great respect for pretty much any actor I've heard of who has purposefully distanced themselves from the Hollywood shitshow. Not specifically because they've done so; it just happens to be the case. Kurt Russell and James Woods are two other notable examples. Woods is a political animal, of course, while Russell only politely dips his toes in that water from time to time (his "conservative thing" is gun rights). Hackman is probably too smart to waste his time with any of it.


Yeah he’s too smart and too alpha. Just be nice if he’d formed a bubble with the likes of Scorsese and Clint - living legends who seem able to make films away from bitchy woke Hell-ywood.


Fuck it’d be nice to read one thread where no one pipes in moaning about woke shit. Fucking boring.


The ‘woke shit’ is very boring, you’re right. Hopefully it will burn itself out and normal people will stomp on its ashes so that it never poisons cinema, nor the rest of civilisation, ever again. We must call it out ceaselessly until that day comes.


Point is there was no need to mention it in this discussion at all. I hear people complaining about it a million times more than I hear people advocating for it on this forum.


There was an absolute need to mention it. Firstly because it’s relevant - Hackman escaped Hollywood before it turned into a cesspit of wokery, and secondly because it must be called out ceaselessly until wokism is utterly destroyed.


Wokism? What have you got against woks? I love a good stir-fry myself, but maybe that’s just me 🤷‍♂️


Cool story 👍🏻


Yeah, one that has as much to do with Gene Hackman as randomly ranting about woke culture, wouldn’t you say?


No dude.


You'd quit the business too if your last picture was Welcome to Mooseport!
