MovieChat Forums > Tawny Kitaen Discussion > Could Tawny Kitaen have had a better act...

Could Tawny Kitaen have had a better acting career?

If it of course, weren't for her "personal demons".

This is what Nathan Rabin had to say about the matter:

Kitaen was too goddamn beautiful and charismatic not to be a movie star but after a few cult triumphs like Bachelor Party and Witchboard the movies and the parts got small and sleazy and unmistakably second-rate.

Kitaen dabbled in television with a major role in the 1990s WKRP in Cincinnati reboot, a hosting gig on America’s Funniest People and the Hercules television movies and scored a memorable guest spot on Seinfeld but her most memorable role was always destined to be as a figure of fantasy, the ultimate rock and roll dream girl.

When Kitaen exploded onto pop culture in 1984 as the star of the raunchy sleeper hit Bachelor Party, heroine of The Perils of Gwendoline in the Land of the Yik-Yak, the hot legs on the cover of RATT’s debut EP and the star of its video “Back For More” she was a figure of pure romantic and sexual fantasy.

She was the ultimate California dream girl with a wild mane of hair, a perfect body and a smile that lit up the world. She lived the rock and roll lifestyle to the fullest, famously cavorting with guitar gods and hair metal superstars and legendary athletes and gyrating her way to pop immortality on the hood of an expensive car.

In her radiant prime, Kitaen was too good to be true, too beautiful to be real. She was at once an All-American charmer and someone whose beauty was ethereal and otherworldly.


Having Tawny as a first name really didn't do wonders for her. Sure, it's more iconic but even she admitted that her name sounds like one which you would give to a stripper. The October 1988 issue of Spy magazine put it best when her name was placed into a list of women who have Bond-like names.


I don't think so. She wasn't a great actress and lacked personality. She was also busy banging celebrities, OJ Simpson kept her locked away in an apartment for a while and there were many others. She was in it for the money.


According to Michael Des Barres, she had the potential to be a successful comedienne but most people couldn't look past the beauty, and she didn't push harder enough to make it in the arts. Either way, she blew her chances more than the men who blew their load over her.


She was the Pamela Andersen of the 80's: hot with barely passable acting skills, but ultimately not the sort of person who could win any awards.


Unfortunate really. Such a gorgeous, unique looking woman. She could have kept doing fun comedies and been successful with that, kind of like Jennifer Anniston or even Meg Ryan.
