MovieChat Forums > Dolly Parton Discussion > So whatever happened to her “nude” photo...

So whatever happened to her “nude” photos?

Doubt this is legitimate considering the source, but any further news?


I doubt any of that is true and I don’t care, let any such pics, if they even do exist, remain buried forever.

She’s one of America’s most honored female singers, has done charity work, has a voice like warm honey and nobody has anything but praise for her as a Lady either professionally or personally.
Plus she’s 76 years old, let’s show Dolly the respect she’s earned and not chat this way about her.




Great reply! So very true. The OP is deranged and should be on a list..


Deranged. 😄😄😄😄😄

And which list do you mean, you Nazi? The “stamp out freedom of speech because you don’t like other peoples opinions” list? That makes you more deranged than me — and multiple millions of other guys — wanting to see a beautiful woman naked.


It has been quite a transformation over the decades, hasn't it? With those enormous implants and millions of wigs, she was pretty much considered a joke in the early days. I remember there was a pop culture dictionary back in the day that had an entry for Enormous Breasts and they put a picture of her next to it. Fast forward to today after many hit songs, records and generous acts and people are assigning her near-Oprah status.


Her voice was always very sweet and pretty, those recordings will always be there

Figure we agree to disagree, she seems a good woman and lovely singer.


Am how did Oprah get that famous? She’s a fuckng talk show host! So what??


I wasn't criticizing. Merely observing a process out loud.


I'm of the age now where I can't remember what I had for breakfast.


