MovieChat Forums > Jes' Sayin'

Jes' Sayin' (5977)


Dark teal color in costumes and set designs of period pieces OK, I guess Thoughts Pluses and minus Wouldn't work today Whose legs ... Whose legs ... Why only a 6.5? The school teacher in episode 1 The blogger won't work out either View all posts >


The true story came out eventually:,with%20it%20%E2%80%94%20were%20taken%20away. He has over a billion so he hardly cares about money. He has "drop dead" money so he feels he can say what he feels. He also feels that comedy is dying and he loves comedy, so naturally he is trying to defend it. Well, this was one of Anderson's least well-received movies. Maybe his absence had something to do with that. Actually not the case. The trials are stimulating the economy, especially all the extra media coverage and resulting advertising dollars spent that come back to the government in taxes. Studies going back as far as the Clinton impeachment trial show this to be the case. It's got a 6.3. Obviously people watched it. If you don't see a big difference that goes far beyond politics, you're beyond my ability to explain it to ya. Really, more than anything, I think people are sick of the daily Trump nonsense. They're tired of him nightly in their living rooms. Any chance she would do the same with Trump, who after all, is born in the year of the Dog? The First Man to Die on Omaha Beach Yeah, that puzzled me also. The only apparent explanation was that Charlie had insulted the naval academy. Maybe that set him off. View all replies >