MovieChat Forums > Jada Pinkett Smith Discussion > No One Likes to be Called Racist But Hol...

No One Likes to be Called Racist But Hollywood definitely prefers Whites

As Chris Rock said, there are KKK type racists who wanna lynch blacks and then there are people who ACCEPT blacks but subconsciously give preferential treatment to whites without even knowing their doing it. Thats all this #OscarsSoWhite movement is.

People hear Jada and Spike Lee and Chris Rock and the rest of us complaining and alot of you all just see a bunch of butthurt losers bitter their films weren't good enough using the race card to bitch and moan. I get it. I felt the same way, until I thought about it.

Listen, NONE of you are blatant racists...none of you hate blacks or think blacks are less than anyone, so when someone calls you something you are not (a racist), you tune out, start SWINGING, and don't take what they are saying serious.

But you need to listen to us because there IS merit to what we are saying. You have to at least acknowledge that most of Hollywood is white. Very few black, hispanic or asian actors and very few get leading roles. Its not just blacks, its ALL minorities. I want you to hear me out here and just look at things from our perspective and see what we are complaining about. This has been so normal to you that you don't see it. Don't tell us 'work harder' or 'make better movies'. We ARE working hard and we just want the same opportunities white actors get. Lets deal with FACTS.

QUESTION: Why are blacks only considered for civil rights bio pics, drug dealers, slave movies, and other stereotypical roles that REQUIRE a black lead? Why not cast a black actor in a rom com, not all ALL black rom com, but a 'normal' one? Or a horror film? Or a sci-fi film? A black man who is just a stock broker, doctor, or teacher.

Think about it:

How many times has a black male led a mostly white rom com? A Will Smith or Michael B. Jordan type with say Jennifer Aniston or Jennifer Lawrence as the female? Yes Denzel and Will from time to time will be the black lead in a Man on Fire or Independence Day type action film but thats not the norm. Most black actors such as say Taye Diggs or Morris Chestnut only get to be leads in 'black films' like a Tyler Perry film or a THINK LIKE A MAN film. Why is that? Why is there a 'black film' and a 'film'? Thats why it was so awesome when JJ Abrams took the 'chance' and cast John Boyega in STAR WARS. Was there a NEED to make Finn black? No, none at all. But why not?

Color blind casting is what we're looking for. Not handouts. Not affirmative action. We don't want a film to get nominated just because its a 'black film'. We don't want the next Marlon Wayans spoof to get nominated. But CREED and STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON AND CHI-RAQ were Oscar worthy. End of story.

>>> Look how many BLACK ACTORS can carry a film. Who would a studio allow to carry a film?

Denzel Washington.
Will Smith.
Jamie Foxx.
Samuel L. Jackson.
Morgan Freeman.
Michael B. Jordan.
MAYBE Don Cheadle or Forest Whitaker or Anthony Mackie or Idris or Chiwetel.

Maybe. Chadwick Boseman maybe.
Nate Parker is coming on now.

But thats it. What happened to Cuba Gooding Jr., Taye Diggs, Terence Howard, Morris Chestnut, Wesley Snipes, Ving Rhames, Laurence Fishburne, Michael Ealy, etc.?

Are these the only 21 black actors trying to make it Hollywood? Why do we rotate the same 21 black guys yet a new white actor becomes a star almost every month?

You may say, NOT ALL OF THOSE GUYS ARE TALENTED ENOUGH TO DO SO OR HAVE ENOUGH FANS OR HITS. Okay, but do all the white actors who get to carry a film have the most talent or box office clout??

Maybe without a true number comparison it doesn't make sense. Lets add it up. The number of working leading black actors and WHITE ones. If this disparity doesn't make it clear for you...nothing will.

But look how many white actors get to lead a film:

George Clooney
Robert DeNiro
Al Pacino
Jack Nicholson
Sean Penn
Leonardo DiCaprio
Christan Bale
Zac Efron
Miles Teller
Chris Hemsworth
Liam Hemsworth
Liam Neeson
Nicolas Cage
Tom Cruise
Chris Evans
Chris Pratt
Chris Pine
Matt Damon
Bradley Cooper
Matthew McConaughey
Ben Affleck
Casey Affleck
Tom Hanks
Sam Worthington
Ben Foster
Taylor Kitsch
Shia LaBeouf
Daniel Day Lewis
Alec Baldwin
Jeremy Renner
Scott Eastwood
Clint Eastwood
Val Kilmer
Mark Wahlberg
Mark Ruffalo
Eddie Redmayne
Paul Walker (RIP)
Philip Seymour Hoffman (RIP)
Robin Williams (RIP)
Edward Norton
Micheal Keaton
Michael Douglas
Seth Rogen
Joseph Gordon Levitt
James Franco
Tye Sheridan
James MacAvoy
Michael Fassbender
Channing Tatum
Jake Gyllenhaal
Ethan Hawke
Brenton Thwaites
Gerard Butler
Joel Edgerton
Taron Edgerton
Hugh Jackman
Kevin Spacey
Jeff Bridges
Jeff Daniels
Aaron Taylor Johnson
Emile Hirsch
Johnny Depp
Josh Hutcherson
Gary Oldman
Josh Brolin
Owen Wilson
Luke Wilson
Will Ferrel
Adam Sandler
Jim Carrey
Mark Duplass
Aaron Eckhart
Daniel Craig
Henry Cavill
Kiefer Sutherland
Donald Sutherland
Armie Hammer
Andrew Garfield
Kevin Costner
Tobey Maguire
Bryan Cranston
Aaron Paul
Ryan Reynolds
Ryan Gosling
Russell Crowe
Keanu Reeves
Kurt Russell
Jared Leto
Jake Johnson
Viggo Mortensen
Johan Hill
Heath Ledger (RIP)
James Marsden
Bryan Cox
Brad Pitt
Paul Rudd
Jai Courtney
Bruce Willis
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Sylvester Stallone
Harvey Keitel
Jesse Eisenberg
Luke Bracey
Patrick Swayze (RIP)
Michael Caine
Colin Farrell
Willem Dafoe
Ed Harris
David Morse
Alan Rickman (RIP)
Eric Bana
Orlando Bloom
Colin Firth
Jude Law
Robert Downey Jr
Robert Duvall
Kevin Bacon

That's 117 names that I came up with off the top of my head. I could go on and and on and on and on and on but you get the point...

Are all these guys just THAT must more talented or hard working? No.

You may say 'thats all black deserve, blacks dont sell, blacks only make up 13% of America" blah blah blah. None of your excuses hold weight. I can destroy them all. FACTS destroy them all.

More than 13% of blacks in Hollywood wanna make it but very few get the chance. Is it too much for us to ask to be on the same playing field? And if you think it IS too much for us to ask you need to look in the mirror and ask yourself, how do I REALLY FEEL about black people?



There was a time when Jews were considered less human; I don't recall them complaining about 100 yrs later.

Since when were Jews considered less human in America? Also have you not seen the numerous moives made about the holocaust? Did you know that the holocaust has been less than 100 years? So what are you not recalling? Again pick up a book.

So now your pawning other "minitites" to serve your agenda. Of course they are complaining, how apt. Yes, the same minorities that cross the border illegally, I presume.

False. The same minorities that have ancestors that have been in this country for generations. Minority actors have complained. Minority actors that are American citizens. Please pick up a book.

**Actress Gina Rodriguez is starting her own movement in response to the never-ending, and completely necessary, conversation about diversity in Hollywood. Rodriguez is implementing a campaign called #MovementMondays. She took to Twitter writing, "With all this Oscar Talk and lack of diversity I decided to start a movement and speak from the perspective of a Latina American who desires to see more Latinos on screen."The 31-year-old goes on to write that Latinos need more support and greater representation.** - Asians concerned - Hispanics concerned - Native American concerned

^^^^These are NOT illegals these are AMERICAN CITIZENS. What century are you from?

And I read that blacks used blacks as slaves also, in their place of origin.

What does that have to do with Jim Crow laws and civil rights?

And if blacks are so underprivileged, I wonder where they have all this buying-power. Splurging on movies and other goodies instead of paying rent, who knows.

We are talking about under representation which is a different topic than under privileged. What they choose to spend their money on is NOT your business. They can spend their money on movies just like you can spend your money on truck stop hookers and confederate flag decals. Point is minorities make up half the box office revenue.

And consider this: if your descendants were not entered into slavery, you would theoretically still be in Africa, as if life would be any better there.

And you would still be from whatever unfortunate country your ancestors left. They left their country for a reason, right? Unless you're Native American then you don't have a right to be here more than anyone else - so take you entitlement and shove it.

Take the good with the bad, like other people (of all ethnics) are told and expected to do.

Take what good with what bad? What are you talking about? You're not making sense.

You don't OWN oppression and underprivileged based on slavery.

See you want to avoid talking about the more recent civil rights and focus on the 100 year old slavery.

Lol first divide and conquer and now the - lets focus on slavery and not acknowledge civil rights since thats more recent. You think this is my first rodeo? On your BEST DAY you're not as good or smart as me on MY WORST.



There isn't a lot of blacks in Hollywood you know, which is why they're not nominated as much. You're so ignorant.
