MovieChat Forums > Jada Pinkett Smith Discussion > In defense of thin skin -- not Will Smit...

In defense of thin skin -- not Will Smith -- because Jada Pinkett Smith shouldn't have to "take a joke"

"Thick skin comes up often in the context of comedy," says Roxanne Gay. "Done well, comedy can offer witty, biting observations about human frailties. It can force us to look in the mirror and get honest with ourselves, to laugh and move forward. Done less well, it leaves its targets feeling raw, exposed and wounded — not mortally, but wounded. It should go without saying that comedians are free to say what they please. Long live creative license and free speech. But it should be obvious that the targets of jokes and insults have every right to react and respond. There is a strange idea that there is nobility in tolerating or, better yet, enjoying humor that attacks who you are, what you do or how you look — that with free speech comes the obligation to turn the other cheek, rise above, laugh it all off. We often see this when comedians want to joke about race, sexual assault, gender violence or other issues that people experiencing them don’t find terribly funny. If you can’t laugh along, you are humorless. You’re thin-skinned. You’re a problem. I’ve stopped aspiring to be thicker-skinned, and I no longer expect or admire it in others. Because sometimes, people can’t take a joke. In some situations, yes, we’re humorless. If our skin gets too thick, we won’t feel anything at all, which is the most unreasonable of expectations. And we won’t know we’ve been wronged or wounded until it’s too late."


jada is a toxic evil spoiled witch. she took will and exposed him as a cucklord on her dumbass podcast now his sanity is breaking mentally






Yes she should. She was sitting there laughing when everyone else was getting roasted, but when it’s her turn she wants to act like a harmless condition is terminal cancer.

As for the women that wrote that opinion piece, it only took 2 second google search to determine that she doesn’t have a sense of humor.


How was Chris Rock's joke even insulting? Demi Moore's shaved head look in G.I. Jane was attractive and badass. IMO, it was more of a compliment than anything else. It also destigmatized Jada's shaved head and made it normal/cool.

And if you sit in the front rows of a show like that, you need to expect you may very well receive some fun zingers. I remember an Oscar host one year mention one of the films up for an award ("Eat, Drink, Man, Woman").....and said something to the effect of: "That's also how Arnold Schwarzenegger asked Maria Shriver out on a date."

If a friend sitting at Will and Jada's table at a bar said to her what Chris Rock said, they'd probably take it in the fun and harmless context in which it was meant, and roll with it. She has made light of, and "rocked" that look many times.


I agree... I don't even see the insult in that GI Jane joke... And that Arnold joke is f****** hilarious:-)


LOL @ that article


School children are required to show more restraint in the face of far, far worse. There is no justification for physical violence in this case.
