MovieChat Forums > Kelly Preston Discussion > Does anybody feel kind of sorry for Kell...

Does anybody feel kind of sorry for Kelly Preston?

Kelly despite the whole Scientology connection, seems like a really nice, beautiful lady. And yet, back in the day, she dated Charlie Sheen, who "accidentally" shot her in the arm. And then she marries John Travolta, who has all of these rumors and allegations of him a pervert on the down-low. And of course, there was the tragedy of her losing her son in-between.


Maybe death will be a relief.


A relief? That was quite disrespectful , when she fought her illness and wanted to live.


She only just DIED, and you're running your mouth off to bash her ex-lovers.

If she decided to marry Travolta, that was on her. And you're assuming she didn't know he is gay, or that she was his beard. ( you segued from being on the down-low to "pervert"..interesting)

She may have argued that she should be pitied after her death, since you did not know her. Being happy, successful, beautiful and rich is not to be pitied because she was a celebrity. Her death was awful, not her life.


The post you're replying to is three years old.


Shh! Don't let obvious time stamps get in the way of a good rant!


So, I see. I did not notice since the following post is only 13 hours old. However, the subject matter remains the same, regardless of when TCM's post was made. (like referring to Travolta as a ''pervert'' which alluded more to him being gay than on the down-low)

I'd think one would wonder why a woman would marry a man who everybody in town knows is gay, but supposedly not her. Not a switch-hitter, but gay. And "love" isn't exactly the only reason why women in Hollywood marry rich famous actors, which includes co-bearding. (Women are presumed to be more more innocent in general.)

I am sorry her life had to end at only 57 and the suffering she endured.


How exactly do you know John Travolta is gay? Have you slept with him? Or have you just been listening to gutter tabloid trash which loves to obsess over the private sex lives of celebrities?


"How do we know an actor is straight"? is never asked. So, being gay is a reflection of ''utter tabloid trash'' to you. You're exactly what I'm referring to, and putting your foot in your mouth with no self-awareness This is WHY actors do not come out, so they won't be thought of as utter tabloid trash, and less worthy.(and lose their acting career at the same time). But if he's "only" bisexual, then it's cool.

You're a hypocrite since everybody talks freely about the heterosexual private sexual lives of stars---but it's no longer considered "obsessive". According to the sheep, no handsome popular actor could possibly be full-on gay; it's too threatening for them to bear. Same as was in the 50's. The thought of him being gay really brings the defensiveness/anger out in you.


Agree that shouldn't use recent events (her death) to respond to a post from a few years ago, but that was one of the beautiful things about the IMDB (and now Moviechat) boards - you could start a discussion that would last for years.


This is SamoanJoes from the future warning you to check timestamps before making a post.


She only just DIED, and you're running your mouth off to bash her ex-lovers.

If she decided to marry Travolta, that was on her. And you're assuming she didn't know he is gay, or that she was his beard. ( you segued from being on the down-low to "pervert"..interesting)

She may have argued that she should be pitied after her death, since you did not know her. Being happy, successful, beautiful and rich is not to be pitied because she was a celebrity. Her death was awful, not her life.

Very timely response. Right on top of things, I see.


Maybe she was a pervert on the "down low" and that's why she married him? He wasn't forced on her...she *chose* him.


That's what I thought, too, though I wouldn't use the word pervert. Maybe she's just more discreet and less famous, so her activities didn't get as much attention.

I think Travolta is most likely a switch hitter. I get the feeling he is attracted to women. Maybe they had an open sort of marriage? She stayed with Travolta through everything.


Never heard any rumors on Travolta. I don’t read the gossip columns, but from what little I saw in the headlines, he seemed to be a devoted husband to her. Not that I care about their personal life.


We don't know her life, so we can't jump to conclusions about her or Travolta. Best to let it go and say RIP Kelly Preston.


She became a non entity because of that cult. I felt she was almost like an abused spouse.
