MovieChat Forums > UncleRuckis

UncleRuckis (2594)


Nothing worse than a show's plot being driven entirely by horribly stupid decisions Honestly, they should have just advertised this movie as an action flick narrated by Archer Why does no character in the movie need the whole Beekeeper thing explained? This movie needs to come with a warning for being deceptively boring!!! Why would someone do multiple days of driving all on creepy backroads? Must have been awkward for all the ghost Why use princesses? I'd sooner tell every soul on earth to go fuck themselves Damned funny if you were born before 1990 View all posts >


It's bad here and I have an ignore list a mile long full of racist. I can only imagine what it would look like if I was seeing the full stream of awful. Definitely a tool to dumb herself down, since only an idiot could enjoy Transformers II. Im guessing because rat catchers always have dogs. It isn't as clear as in a Song of Ice and fire, where the Starks are the obvious good guys. There are shit stains on both sides, but the greens definitely have more IMO. Their whole argument is predicated on oathbreaking for the greater good and being willing to murder the ones loyal to their oaths to ensure a man completely unfit for the throne wears the crown. If not for Daemon, who's my favorite character, I'd call the Blacks the clear protagonist. He's done some shit that takes them down from good guys to just better than he other side. There is no draft genius! Hasn't been one for like 50 years! The only way the draft is coming back is if the shit hits the fan so bad, that WWIII is basically upon us and it's all hands on deck or learn to speak russian or Mandarin! You didn't watch very hard then, because he dated and slept with the pre-op tranny in more than one episode since season 1. Granted, she was played by Brittany Daniel, but for any hetero man, a six inch penis and some balls are a deal breaker. Also, there are far too many to mention moments where they showed Mac was in denial about his sexuality, long before that exercise bike. As far as the Boys goes, if this were any other character in a homosexual relationship, you' have a point, but Frenchie has clearly been all over the place sexually from the beginning. Calling him Gay now is also incorrect, as he clearly still likes women too and would probably drop that dude for Kimiko in a second! Well, she runs a foundation that provides assistance to the poor and gives low income scholarships to the tune of half a billion dollars. So not nothing! Frenchie likely goes both ways, and that's been established from the beginning. Also, I really, really, really hope you don't mean Mac from It's always Sunny? Because him being gay was pretty much put out from the very first season, and his closeted sexuality has been a long running joke. Also, if you think Frenchie is just now into freaky shit, you clearly haven't been paying attention. Do you not remember the season 2 flashback to MMs bachelor party where frenchie wanted to hire transvestite strippers? Or that thrupple he was in? The reactionaries are just idiots. Wouldn't classify those as mass shootings. Sure, the reasoning behind them may be dumb as all hell, but there are reasons behind those actions and those bullets generally have a specific target. When people worry about mass shootings, they worry about the lunatic who walks into a grocery store and fires at randoms just for shits and giggles. View all replies >