MovieChat Forums > Politics > Is this the Politics board, or the White...

Is this the Politics board, or the White Supremecy board?

Came for Politics, every topic is blaring the battle horns of White Nationalism

Crying over the fact it's not the 80s anymore.
I expect the crying from conservatives because crying has become synonymous with being an American conservative but where is the discussion of politics?

Is there ever any discussion of politics here?
Or is it just manbabies crying about the Great Replacement?

I know none of you have the capacity to answer to any of those questions, so just don't think about it too much, and go back to your Tucker Carlson video.




Correct spelling is racsisst!




You're not wrong WS I'd pretty rampant here.


I am Independent Voter I condemn both Radical Left & Right Both have brought Ruin and Disunity.


Putting aside all the "my guy is better than your guy" insanity
politics here is limited to the conservative's two biggest boogeyman:
immigrants and trannies


And rightfully so, Both are ruining society as we see it and when you force this bullshit down young children's throats, then it's time to reel it in a little bit



politics here is limited to the conservative's two biggest boogeyman:
immigrants and trannies [/quote]

BKB: [quote]And rightfully so, Both are ruining society as we see it

And here we have the American conservative viewpoint painted clearly without any thing to hide :
"immigrants and trannies are ruining society"

Let's be honest, there is no more forethought put into the American conservative platform than that.
They can try to pretend there's more... but there isn't. Oh , except for the jew-hatred. Can't forget that.


ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. As in, fucking criminals.


yes , agreed .

but both of those issues are insignificant compaered to the real issues of running a country -
economy , growth , taxation , employment etc etc


A massive illegal invasion by criminals consisting of cartel members, drug dealers, murderers, rapists, traffickers, mentally ill and terrorists is extremely significant and should be at the top of the list of impending issues.

They also affect everything else you stated in your list.


Sure, but didn't you lay the groundwork for that, with 60 years of Cold War intervention in South America?

Funding coups, Bay of pigs, Iran Contra.....

You can just ignore all that and pretend it didn't happen right? No. You can't ignore global problems, and this is the evidence. It's the chickens coming home to roost. There's no way you can stop it , even if you tried to build a wall across the entire US-Mexican border. Even if you finished that wall, they'd still get in.

They'd just take boats. You know humans can use boats to traverse the water, right?

The UK has a major problem right now with illegal immigration, and they are SURROUNDED BY WATER.

And they STILL are facing a crisis. Deal with the problems of the rest of the world, and act like they are PART OF IT, rather than expecting to be immune to all global problems we face, just by ignoring them. (Like climate change, 3rd world poverty)

Americans think by ignoring the outside world they can just go on living , without being affected by it.

That's why they are in such a shit situation now with their country, and they won't get out of it.
They don't have the mental capacity to figure this out.
Most Americans don't read. They are one of the most illiterate Western countries in the world.

They don't read. They don't think. They just 'feel' things. That's why so many people can support such a mentally incapable and illiterate leader as Donald Trump, who doesn't even read papers they put right in front of him.


with 60 years of Cold War intervention in South America?

Funding coups, Bay of pigs, Iran Contra.....

That was the work of the Deep State.

The same Deep State that's persecuting and prosecuting Trump.

The same DS responsible for the plandemic, the 2020 rigged election and our current border invasion.

The same DS responsible for a massive list of insidious and diabolical things on a global scale for many years.


I'll await evidence the DS planned Coronavirus, rigged the 2020 election and specifically incites people en masse to come to the USA.


Insignificant?!?!? It is a national catastrophe that we haven't even begun to pay for. There are MILLIONS of illegals here. That's 10 million people who don't pay taxes but are a tax burden on the rest of us. 10 million people who we don't have a clue who they are or why they're here. Tons of them are military age males. Most are not even from Mexico. This is not hyperbole when I say this, Biden should be tried for treason and publicly executed for the southern border alone.


It is not conservatives who turn every polical thread into a stupid discussion of sematics or personal shit.

Conservatives WANT to discuss the political issues, the lefty trolls know that such discussion is not good for their agenda and move to suppress speech.

You doubt me?

Let's talk about your first point the "whining about it not being the 80s".

Explain your position in response to the 80s point about white people.

(and watch liberals shut it down)


I'm still not clear what the 80s point about white people. was that the OP was making


I think he wanted to start a conversation about why were white people in the 80s, happier than today.

I think he thought the discussin would inevitably lead to increased racial strife/oppression as the problem.

But he was unable to even have the discussion, becauase grifthunter showed up and shit all over the thread.

Thus preventing any discussion of the policies causing the problem. Or not, if you wanted to take the opposiing side.

And that's why there is so little actual discussion of politics.


>I think he wanted to start a conversation about why were white people in the 80s, happier than today.

That was the assumption embedded in his post.


Well, he showed evidence of white people in the 80s being pretty happy, so calling it an ASSUMPTION seems a bit...wrong.

Are you trying to say that you disagree with his claim?


>Well, he showed evidence of white people in the 80s being pretty happy, so calling it an ASSUMPTION seems a bit...wrong.

How did he show evidence? It was just a montage clip from the 80s. No-one said people from there weren't happy, just the claim that white people now are specifically less happy is tenuous.


Well, unfortunately, grifthunter shit all over the thread and the op hasn't stuck around so he is not here for you to debate with.

So, take it up with grift hunter.


Let's talk about your first point the "whining about it not being the 80s".

Explain your position in response to the 80s point about white people.

Explain my position in response to what? In response to myself? Okay, I'll respond to myself in my earlier comment, since you have nothing worthwhile to respond to. Explain why I said you're whining about it not being the 80s? I thought you could figure that out, but OK, I'll give it a shot.

1. You cry about too much immigration (only non-white immigration)
2. You cry about Political Correctness and Wokeness all the time.
3. You go on about how Reagan was the greatest president in history

i.e. you wish it was the 80s.
You think we can solve all the world's problems by simply winding the clock back 30 years to 1985, and change everything to exactly the way it was then.

(and I don't just mean wind the clock back, I mean literally shut down the entire NYSE and ditch all the computers and replace them with 1985 tech and dial up phones, quite literally turn society backwards 30 years. It would take extremely stupid people to think this was good idea, but remember we're talking about people who don't think. And ... *points at the previous post*)


1. Third World Immigration, legal and illegal, is tearing this country apart with many negative effects. I would love a near complete ban on immigration.

2. Yes political correctness and wokeness are real problems. People who push that nonsense in positions of resonsibility need to be purged.

3. Well, not really. If it comes up in conversation, I will be happy to discuss that, but I rarely bring it up.


So you agree with everything I said? You didn't even dispute anything

I think you missed the main point , or any of them, which was , you think winding the clock back, changing all government and economic policies to the 80s would magically fix everything.
Which you didn't disagree with, and that's exactly what you think.

So, I guess the arguments over and you just agreed with everything I said.
Unless you can point to anything I said which you disagree with which I don't think you can.


There's nothing magical about it. IF immigration is too high, reducing it is the fix. That is not magic.

Wokeness? Political correctness? Just bad shit man. Fucking people's lives up for no reason.

Stopping that just makes sense. THe people that like hurting people for no reason are bad people doing harm to people.

And we need to remember the real history of President Reagan. Did you ever see his reelection map? He didn't do that because the 80s were terrible.


It's bad here and I have an ignore list a mile long full of racist. I can only imagine what it would look like if I was seeing the full stream of awful.


No, this is where freedom loving patriots (conservatives) do virtual battle with intellectually stunted children who believe every stupid thing the mainstream media tells them to.

It's comical that you morons have to label everybody who disagrees with your lunacy things like racist, homophobe, white nationalist, etc., etc.. I've never posted or done a racist thing in my life but I've been called that by liberals too many times to count.

In fact, it's you liberal retards that have been exploiting minorities for decades. Perpetuating the victim culture and stoking the fires of racial strife for political gain. They're starting to wake up and realize that we do not hate them or keep them down.


>No, this is where freedom loving patriots (conservatives) do virtual battle with intellectually stunted children who believe every stupid thing the mainstream media tells them to.

Half of the so-called "freedom loving patriots" on here *hate* freedom. They want to deny women the right to vote, or suppress LGBT people (as in use the state to arrest LGBT people for existing in public), and murder political opponents.


arrest LGBT people for existing in public

They had the freedom to exist in public before they started indoctrinating, grooming, castrating and mutilating children.

They had the freedom to exist in public before they started taking over women’s sports, locker rooms and bathrooms.

They had the freedom to exist in public before they started requiring children to attend their public displays of degeneracy and depravity.

They had the freedom to exist in public before they started demanding that everyone else affirms their mental delusions.

They had the freedom to exist in public before they started cancelling everyone that didn't agree with their fascistic and radical ideologies.


>They had the freedom to exist in public before they started indoctrinating, grooming, castrating and mutilating children.

When was this? What period are you talking about? Be specific please.

>They had the freedom to exist in public before they started taking over women’s sports, locker rooms and bathrooms.

Not relevant to my point. You wish to sic the state on them.

>They had the freedom to exist in public before they started requiring children to attend their public displays of degeneracy and depravity.

See above.

>They had the freedom to exist in public before they started cancelling everyone that didn't agree with their fascistic and radical ideologies.

How are their ideologies "fascist"? Define fascism please.


Those are all lies and quite typical.

Who the fuck wants to deny women the right to vote? Or anything else?

Suppress alphabet people? WE don't even have the freedom to criticize them or their ideology.

Murder political opponents??? As the democrats do everything in their power to destroy Trump??? Wake. The. Fuck. Up.


>Those are all lies and quite typical.

Not remotely a lie. TVfan is openly in favour of banning all LGBT themed content and culture from public life, and implement Russian-style "propaganda" laws. This would require direct state intervention.

>Who the fuck wants to deny women the right to vote? Or anything else?

Maixiu has openly said that he wants to revoke women's right to vote.

>Murder political opponents??? As the democrats do everything in their power to destroy Trump??? Wake. The. Fuck. Up.

Maixiu and TVfan have repeatedly suggest leading democratic politicians (or just any) and other political figures and activists they do not are guilty of treason and should be executed.


So you paint the whole forum with that broad brush? I thought "you people" were against that sort of thinking??? Oh wait, only when it fits the narrative.

If they're guilty of treason, they should be executed. Dumbass.


>So you paint the whole forum with that broad brush? I thought "you people" were against that sort of thinking??? Oh wait, only when it fits the narrative.

No. I said a good proportion of people on here think like that. I didn't say EVERYONE.

>If they're guilty of treason, they should be executed. Dumbass.

TVfan simply regards them being in opposiiton in itself as being guilty of treason. If I recall he once said John McCain should be executed.


"Maixiu and TVfan have repeatedly suggest leading democratic politicians (or just any) and other political figures and activists they do not are guilty of treason and should be executed."

I'll await evidence of this claim.


Got it.

Fucking hell. I hate how this site lacks a search.


Having people stand trial for demonstrable crimes is equal to demanding that people I don't "like" should be executed for treason? And you left out the "repeatedly" part.

So I'll await evidence of your fantastical claim.


I am sure I saw you say it a few times. But sure, I embellished it when I said "don't like". The point is that you support the mass executions of politicians and scientists and other officials of some kind.

This is clearly extremism. Not to mention your view on women voting (and women in general, you speak about them like they are shit on your shoes, and what I suspect is your opinion on LGBT rights, and your white supremacism).


So you admit you're talking out your ass and exaggerating for effect. Not a good look for the person who fancies himself a pillar of fact-based, evidentiary debate.


Of course, that you've already in your mind convicted the entirety of the political class for these 'crimes' and decided they all need to be executed is suggestive in itself that it derives, at core, from a "don't like".

And I notice zero objection to any of the other things I observed.


Nice deflection, Spock, but your Maginot Line of logic and fact-based arguments is a fraud.


Of course, that you've already in your mind convicted the entirety of the political class for these 'crimes' and decided they all need to be executed is suggestive in itself that it derives, at core, from a "don't like".

And I notice zero objection to any of the other things I observed.


Six hours to copy and paste? What happened, did you need to reboot?


Ah yes, "people I don't like are bots". I cut and paste because you didn't respond to anything there. The point is you are a completely fair example to my point to Craig of a poster here who does want to weaponise the state to persecute people.


What a surprise - Skavau outed again as a total fraud who relentlessly lies.

Add that to his endless baiting of people to say things he can then report to the mods in the hopes that they’ll censor/ban his opponents and you’ve got a nasty little Hitler.

He has overtaken Kowalski as the biggest dildo on this site.


That's a big-ass dildo!


Yep, and a big ass-dildo.


Well, we all want love so what's your problem?
