MovieChat Forums > Madeleine Stowe Discussion > Madeleine was like Megan Fox in the 80s

Madeleine was like Megan Fox in the 80s

Especially in the Costner movie Revenge.


Megan is an overrated plastic doll who can't act her way out of a paper bag.
Madeleine is talented,smart,beautiful and gracefull so don't insult her,please.


Jesus wept, I forgot that Maddy was a method actress!

Shes a better actress to, but when younger she was a babe who looked like Megan Fox, now go and have a Coke or something.


Still disagree sorry.

ps:don't like Coke,i prefer the Sprite :-)


Watched that end clip of Revenge on Youtube, the musics sad, but uplifting...i guess theres some solace in the fact he found her. Ah well.


Do you have a link of that clip,please?


Sorry, Madeleine was also very beautiful, but on top of that she was (is) a real actress. She could emote and knew her craft. And she looked really classy, not trashy.

Megan Fox is an overexposed, untalented, stripper-looking, overly sexualized, vacant-eyed chick who likes to shoot her mouth off to the press. She always has this bored look and sexy pout, like she's posing. Blah.


Well, recently i read an interview and ive got to admit the truth Megan came across as a moaning miserable scumbag of a woman but you wouldnt say no, would you?
