MovieChat Forums > Elijah Wood Discussion > Are there people out there who are "Elij...

Are there people out there who are "Elijah Wood fans"?

Just something I was wondering about.

Is Elijah Wood simply an actor who appears in movies or does he have a fan base of people who will seek out a movie just because he's in it?

I like him well enough, but I'm not sure I'd watch a movie because I saw his name on the marquee.

I'm not saying this is an unusual condition for actors. I think most working actors aren't draws in any meaningful sense. But I grew up watching Elijah Wood in movies and I'm just curious to know if there are people out there who are like, "Oh hell yeah, I'm an Elijah Wood fan."


Not exactly a fan, but there's an "oh good, Elijah Woods is in it, too" effect. Looks like a decent guy.


I feel a bit of nostalgia when I see his name because I still remember going to the theater to see North when I was a kid and the day I went to see Fellowship of the Ring will always be one of the best days of my life.

He hasn't done anything I've gotten excited about in a while though. I Don't Feel At Home in this World Anymore was amusing enough, but he hasn't done anything since LOTR that was truly meaningful to me.


What about Wilfred?


i don't hate the guy but he's nothing to get excited about. He's not exactly opening big movies on his name alone.


He keeps busy and apparently is still in demand by producers, so in this industry that has to be considered a victory. Looks like he does a lot of voice work these days.

But yeah, I'm not sure what the last thing he starred in that was considered a big hit though.


Was trying to remember the name of a movie he was in, so I looked up his movies on Imdb, but couldn't find it. So I googled "elijah wood undercover movie".. turns out it was a daniel redcliffe movie (Imperium 2016). google guessed correctly :)

so, no, I haven't watched any good movie with him in it since LotR (not counting the Hobbit cameo).


I actually saw Imperium. It was an interesting film. LOL at confusing Wood with Radcliffe, but I can see how that might happen.

If we're going to count every movie he's appeared since LOTR, and not just starred in, then I've seen Sin City (I know a lot of people loved it, but I was disappointed), Maniac (kind of interesting, but weird and not really my cup of tea), The Hobbit (just a cameo here, and in my opinion a very disappointing trilogy of films), The Last Witch Hunter (not very good), I Don't Feel at Home in this World Anymore (pretty entertaining).

Now that I break it down like that I guess I feel like his post-LOTR career has faltered largely by his appearing in films that I just haven't really liked.

I've heard that Grand Piano is a pretty good thriller but I haven't watched it yet. I should check it out. I'd also like to see The Trust but that's just because I'm a huge Nicolas Cage fan.


there's also Eternal Sunshine. that's newer than LotR and a great movie.


In demand…Maybe by b tier producers.


"I like him well enough, but I'm not sure I'd watch a movie because I saw his name on the marquee."



Can't say that I saw that one. The last film I watched him in was I Don't Feel At Home in this World Anymore, and then before that The Last Witch Hunter. The former was pretty good; the latter was not.


Good lord, that is one busy filmography. This dude works plenty.


No one gives a shit about this guy.


I guess that fact that, until I made this thread, he only had one thread on this board that was under a year old would lend credence to your statement. But hey, he keeps getting roles.


I’ve actually enjoyed him in things but the acting World and film fans wouldn’t miss him if he quit.

He was good in Come to Daddy recently.




I think Wood is a talented guy. Very good in this. I thought it changed tone and got a little whacky but very enjoyable.


people who will seek out a movie just because he's in it?

I dont get why people would do that with ANY actor.
...other than as a sign of the quality , or type, of the film rather than the actor themself.





because you know your going to get a decent action film with a decent budget

not becasue you want to bask in awe at the actors command of his proffession,
or to gawp at their bodies





but ... doesent 'basking in awe at the actors command of his profession' take you out of the movie?
Whilst your sitting there thinking "wow, Newman's really nailing this role" , you're being reminded that its all a pantomime of people pretending and playing dress-up , rather than getting fully immersed in the story and feeling like you're there yourself.




fair enough


There are definitely actors who have a charisma, style and vibe that will attract me to a movie even if I know nothing else about the movie.

For instance, right now I'm trying to work my way through Nicolas Cage's entire filmography just because it's Nicolas Cage. Many of the movies are actually quite bad, but I want to see them because he's in them.

Other actors that have always had a magnetic attraction for me would include Jack Nicholson, Clint Eastwood, Sandra Bullock, Chris Hemsworth, Arnold, Mark Wahlberg, Judy Garland, Tom Cruise, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Robert Duvall, Helen Mirren and Steve Martin.

Some actors throughout Hollywood history have reached "star" status and become draws for a reason, and it wasn't just because their name usually guaranteed a quality film.


His role as Frodo gave him global recognition and being in the same movies with the likes of Mortenson, McKellen, Bean, and Blanchett would seem to be a key to bigger recognition but in reality he's just a satisfactory movie actor.


Oddly enough, you could argue he was more of a "name" before he did LOTR then he was after and that LOTR was the top of the mountain he had already begun climbing as a child. Because after LOTR, in many ways, it seems it has been downhill.

During the 90s he was indisputably one of the most popular and best-known child actors. I still remember going to see North in the theater with my mom. I also remember watching Huck Finn and The Good Son as a kid, and while I never saw The War, I remember other people telling me about it. Then he grabbed supporting roles in The Ice Storm and The Faculty, and a co-starring role in Deep Impact, and then LOTR.

That's a pretty good run. But LOTR did not seem to boost his career when considering the roles he got after those films. More people might have known his name or his face, but ironically he was definitely a bigger star as a child actor than he was as an adult in the post-LOTR world.


I remember him for being a popular child actor when he was announced as Frodo, but as fan of Tolkien's books I was shocked by the casting choice because Frodo is 33 years old by the time he's introduced in Fellowship of the Ring. It wasn't until I later read that the movie adaptation was just making tweaks to give the films a more cinematic look and feel that would attract a broader audience, not just fans of Tolkien's works.

As for Elijah, he didn't' quite transition from a young actor to an adult actor as seemingly as one would have thought. It happens to most actors and actresses who found fame during their childhood than after they lost their childlike looks it fades and the audience loses interest. DiCaprio, Josh Brolin, Jason Bateman, and Kieran Culkin are just a few of the actors who have made it as adults, although Kieran seems to be typecast as a manchild he still gets high profile work.


Frankly I'm sure that Elijah's look has held him back. He's 5'6", not very muscular and still has a very boyish face. That's not a great combination if you want to be a leading man.

You can be short and make it. Tom Cruise, Al Pacino, James McAvoy, Richard Dreyfuss and Dustin Hoffman have all proved this. But if you want to get the kinds of roles that those guys have gotten, you can't be short AND perennially look like you're about 16.


I'm one of those fans. I've been a fan ever since I saw him in Flipper back in 1996. He's a year older than me so I kinda grew up with his movies; which I always liked. I saw Eternal Sunshine and Sin City simply because he was in them. Sin city is NOT my kind of movie in any way but I think that's why I like him; he helped me open my mind to movies I wouldn't necessarily see otherwise. I got really active in Community theater in 2015 so haven't had a chance to really keep up lately...he hasn't been anything in the theaters and I didn't have cable/streaming for a while but when I see his name on something, I get really excited.

Editing to add: and this is gonna sound funny. I FORGOT about LotR...The only reason I went to see it was because of Elijah Wood. Prior I thought it was some boring Gladiator, Dungeons and Dragons thing...I couldn't even tell you what a Hobbit was (I watched the Rankin/Bass cartoons as a kid but didn't know they were associated). My friend wanted me to go see it and I was like 'absolutely not' and she retorted back 'Elijah Wood is in it' and I legit was like 'what time we going?' lol so yea...I'm THAT fan.


Interesting. So there IS an Elijah Wood fan out there in the world. Thanks for chiming in in.

If you could put your finger on it, what are the specific qualities of Elijah Wood that make you interested in him and his acting?


I'm a girl so, of course, I thought he was cute. He did have a teen idol status in the 90s. Deep Impact and The Faculty were the two big movies he was in when I was in High school. I remember not being allowed to see The Faculty because it was Rated R so I was too young to see it. I remember really liking him in Forever Young too so between that and Flipper I think there was a nostalgia factor in him too. Now, I wasn't the type to have posters on my walls or anything. I didn't consider myself obsessed; but when I saw his name or face it made me happy.

After Lord of the Rings (and now I was a full on adult) I was able to go back and watch the movies I wasn't allowed to see or forgot about. loved The Good Son, thought North was friggin hilarious and I enjoyed the Faculty. He's not the BEST actor out there but he fits well and plays well with the others in ensembles. He knows his type and doesn't try to be something he's not. He's just fun. He looks like he's having fun on screen and I just find that endearing. I feel he's very genuine and had his head on straight, which can be difficult for child actors. I find him charming; he's like my comfort actor, lol


Interesting. He certainly doesn't seem to be any sort of sex symbol today, though I'm sure some girl somewhere thinks he's pretty hot.

I think the first movie I ever saw him in was probably Huck Finn, and then The Good Son. I still remember going to see North in the theater but I have no recollection of the film itself. I've heard good things about The War but I haven't seen the film yet.

Of course I also saw Deep Impact and I also saw The Faculty.

The weird thing is that his career seemed to slowly build, with him being a very popular child actor, until it reached its apex with Lord of the Rings, and then after that, when you think he might explode because of the popularity of those films, he instead starts appearing in a lot of smaller indie films, and later, TV shows. I wouldn't say he faded away after LOTR, because he has continued to work and has been a part of films and shows that were popular, but he hasn't really had anything like the success he had in his younger years.


And I think that's ok. There's some actors you can tell fade away because of age or lack of appeal (someone like Mark Hamill for example...who I love but got crazy typed cast from Luke Skywalker let's be honest). Elijah always hit me as someone who faded away (if you can really call it that) by choice. Think of all the movies he did before even turning 18. That is legit no life or if you have one, it's all out in the teen magazines. LotR, though like a college experience as I think he described once, was a hell of a lot of work. being away from home, crazy hours and then the mass hysteria that followed. That's the kind of life he'd have to continue if he wanted to be leads in all the giant movies. He just comes across as someone who really didn't want that. It would make sense for any of the actors to do smaller less grueling projects or projects that have more of an artistic appeal to the actors. All these things Elijah did instead of going to more block busters. He probably could have had his pick if he wanted but chose something more to his liking. He was also big on DJing too if I recall. Sometimes, after years of movie making, it's time to try different things. And he had the means to do it. He's got steady work and time for himself and his family. The size of the project doesnt indicate success. Maybe stardom isn't what he was seeking. He seems crazy happy in his life right now. Yea, it's sad as a fan that he's not in more commercially accessible movies but that's not the path he wanted to take and I'm happy for the movies I do see.


I wouldn’t put a poster of him on my bedroom wall or anything, but I guess you could call me a fan in that I would definitely check out any film he’s in. I’ve admired his acting skills since before LOTR actually, I remember being well impressed by how he acted Macaulay Culkin off the screen in The Good Son.

Recently, as others have mentioned, he was fantastic in Come To Daddy. I probably would have missed that absolute gem of a film if he hadn’t starred in it.

Yeah, I’ve got a lot of time for Elijah.


Definitely. I sat through Happy Feet for him, lol The last show I remember actually seeing him being advertised in was Wilfred and it looked fun but I never got around to seeing it...maybe I didn't have the channel. But yea. he's a gem.
