Saw her last Tuesday

I took a trip to LA last Tuesday and was driving in Beverly Hills. I was stopped at a stop sign and while adjusting my GPS, she was on the left side of the street, power walking. I motioned for her to cross and didn't realize it was her until she passed in front of my truck. She IS beautiful and I am so glad I got the chance to see her in person! She is very short and petite and obviously, very health conscious. Such a great experience!


Dunno why a GPS needs to be "adjusted" but meh.

Would love to meet Christina but if she just walks by without any chat ... it would probably just feel like its a dream.



I guess you've never heard of a portable GPS system, LOL

Christina Applegate is a person just like you and me and I have total respect for peoples' privacy. I don't know her personally and she doesn't know me and if I were in her spot, I wouldn't want every single person interrupting my life to talk to me. I "dunno", maybe it's just me.


GPS is always portable, arent they ? Its the point of them saying what your location is. Thats why I dont get why you have to adjust them.

I dunno, meeting such a celeb and not being able to go totally fanboy on her is a bit ... well, it lacks the excitement.



There are some automobiles that have the GPS already built into their systems so no, they aren't always portable. When I was adjusting mine, I was snapping it back into the holder on my windshield and adjusting the volume level on it...but I have no idea why you feel this has anything to do with Christina Applegate. All I was trying to do was give all of you the details of what was happening when I saw her, so I could help bring all of you into the experience too.

Just seeing a celebrity was excitement enough for me and all I needed. Going "fanboy" on her and irritating her by invading her space would make me feel like...well, an idiot.


I know exactly what you mean. I saw Frankie Muniz once in downtown Indianapolis and it was cool enough for me to just see him walk past. I think he was with his girlfriend and they were in the same restaurant as me. I think he knew we recognized him because we sort of gawked a little bit when we first saw him (not being rude, just because we were sort of astonished to see a celebrity). We didn't bother him or anything after we first saw him though.

When you see a celebrity like that, you realize that they really are just regular people. Why should they be treated any differently?

The real question is, when you turn your car on, does it return the favor?


Thank you, nota, I appreciate your comment! So glad you know where I'm coming from! It would have been great if Ms. Applegate and I made eye contact...I remember on a previous visit to Hollywood, my sister and I were crossing Beverly Blvd. and Goldie Hawn was in the turn lane. I saw her and of course, like you, gawked a little, then smiled and waved. Goldie Hawn smiled and waved back as if to say, "I know you know it's me, thanks for being a fan, and thank you for not making such a big deal!".

I've learned that most famous people in Hollywood, if they see a tour bus or someone looking, they automatically put on their sunglasses or put their head down so they aren't seen. And I remember Christina Applegate did put her head down as she power-walked in front of my vehicle...I could tell she wanted to be left alone.


When you see a celebrity like that, you realize that they really are just regular people. Why should they be treated any differently? If it would be a random celebrity, sure. But in the case of Christina, I like her a lot.



So do I. She's my favorite actress, and I will admit it would be hard for me to not go up to her. But in that situation, I think it would be best to acknowledge her right to privacy and leave her alone.

The real question is, when you turn your car on, does it return the favor?
