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Sad indeed

I thought they made a great couple


I liked him alot, this that much worse with two daughters involved.

Very, very sad to hear this.

+++by His wounds we are healed. - Isaiah 53:5+++


this is too sad two of my favorite couples which both were together for 14 years are now going separate.
first this one and latter Catherine Zeta Jones and Michael Douglas.

though for Catherine and Michael there is still hope, since till now ssems like a break to think.


In addition to the divorce, that comment she made about sexual infidelity being acceptable if your spouse is away for a few months is disgustingly stupid.

If that's how she feels, this was most likely never a faithful marriage to begin with and I've really lost respect for her.

"Remember kids, adultery is ok!" great message to teach her children.

+++by His wounds we are healed. - Isaiah 53:5+++


I remember reading that they had an open marriage, although I wasn't sure about how true it was. After reading her quote about fidelity, I guess it kind of implies that they did. To be honest, I don't really find anything wrong with it as long as it's a mutual decision, and they're both ok with it.

It's a bummer that they've separated though. They were one of my favorite celebrity couples.


Agree with the last poster, its been an open marriage for a while now, and are divorcing by mutual agreement meaning its something they both want and have an agreement regarding division of property, any financial issues, children and other contentious issues.


An 'open marriage' pretty much spits in the face of what marriage is, whether it was mutual or not, I see something very wrong with it.

+++by His wounds we are healed. - Isaiah 53:5+++


Monica Bellucci's life is her own and she is entitled to live it as she sees fit. If she wishes to have an open marriage, then that is her business and that of her husband's, not anyone else. I have to say, I have always found it strange that people feel it is their right to judge and critique other people's lives and then penalize said people if they don't live up to their standards. But I guess that's middle-class morality for you: judgmental, pretentious, small-minded, and self-righteous. And hypocritical. Mustn't forget the hypocrisy of it all.

As to the divorce itself, it's sad news to be sure, but these people are hardly the first to get a divorce and they certainly won't be the last. Divorce is simply a way of life these days. No need to turn it into some of kind of "morality" play.
