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"Monica Bellucci's life is her own and she is entitled to live it as she sees fit"

By this logic noone should ever have any opinion whatsoever on anything anyone ever does, because if they do they're 'being too judgmental.'

How is she being penalized? Other than losing the respect of fans (who apparently are not entitled to their own feelings about the decisions that she's entitled to make, in your view)?

Where exactly is the hypocrisy in being disappointed in someone that you admired?

'Divorce is simply a way of life these days. No need to turn it into some of kind of "morality" play.'

Acceptance of something that's horrible as the norm doesn't make it less horrible.

The main issue isn't the divorce, it's her blatant condoning of adultery (which from the looks of it, she's been participating in), made even worse by the fact that two young daughters are involved in this "open relationship" that she's abandoning.

+++by His wounds we are healed. - Isaiah 53:5+++
