Poor guy

Every film this guy has been in in the last 2 or 3 years has bombed at the box office, with the exception of course of GotG, which he was uncredited and only did voice work. He's a phenomenal actor and it's sad to me that he can't catch a break with a huge blockbuster. I was hoping Sin City would be the one, but I saw it, it was terrible, and it flopped. Does he need a new agent? I think so.


He's the lead protagonist of No Country For Old Men up until 20 minutes before the end though.

Anywho, no matter what "flops" the guy has he's about to be the big baddie in the Marvel universe. If those films can resurrect Robert Downey Jr's career & give Chris Evans & Chris Hemsworth one then an actor as talented as Brolin is perfectly fine.

There. It's on the Internet. Thus it's official
