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Bill Cosby found guilty of sexual assault in retrial

What color was the jury? Has BLM said anything?

US comedian Bill Cosby has been found guilty of three counts of sexual assault, each of which carries a potential 10 years in prison.



With that extra U added for Ultra-creepiness?


Okay, I've been detachedly following some of this but can anyone explain to me how you are found guilty based on 40 year old accusations? Was there something I missed, like DNA evidence or witnesses who came forward to corroborate any number of details?

I'm not trying to stir the pot, I just don't understand the whole story. Can someone help?


I don't think there was any forensic evidence, the convictions were due to victim testimony and the similar testimony of many dozens of past victims who couldn't file charges themselves because of statute of limitations.


Again, that just seems really flimsy to me. OJ Simpson was acquitted with far more actual evidence than Cosby. Something about this whole thing just doesn't make sense to me.


I personally don't believe he did half of what Gloria Allred's cast of many colours claim he did. There is no actual evidence. There's no DNA that should be a dead lock. This was not Andrew Lustre who taped himself having sex with his victims after giving them rupees to put them to sleep. There was indeed proof in that case. There is ZERO in this case with the exception of a bunch of women coming forward who have all been proven to be liars.

However, if one of these women have lied and lied on the stand and in court, they won't be held accountable because we don't do that these days. Seems in this sham and shameful MEEEEEEETOOOOOOOO bowel movement it's all about proven guilty until guilty even if women have lied about it all.

You're right to call foul on all of this. And anyone who calls us names for supporting Cosby in terms of supporting the rule of law WITHOUT lynch mob, you're just as guilty as those who continue to dredge up these women who have ZERO credibility.


Funny you described it that way. A verdict based on the "mob chant" was exactly how someone else described it and from what I've now read of this case, I've got to agree with that assessment.


Jury: 10 white & 2 black. Selected from Bill's 'hood, Montgomery County in suburban Philadelphia. Less that 10% blacks.
