MovieChat Forums > Bill Cosby Discussion > He scolded Ozzy Osbourne for not being w...

He scolded Ozzy Osbourne for not being wholesome..

It's true, I'm reading Ozzy's autobiography and Ozzy mentions that once his reality show became famous ole Cos' wrote him a letter saying "your foul mouth sets a bad example". Ozzy's wife Sharon wrote back saying "people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, everybody knows about your affair, which has been in all the newspapers".
Man, Bill Cosby was a piece of work wasn't he? Talk about being and out and out HYPOCRITE!


He also called Eddie Murphy to give him a hard time about the naughty language he used at his shows.

The worst thing about the Coz is the hypocrisy (apologies to Norm MacDonald).


LOL. Norm. LOL.

He's amazing.


Although he is a hypocrite, he does have a point.

Very few role postive male role models in media today.

Back when there was only three major channels, wholesome was the default (Mr. Brady,Ward Cleaver,Little House on the prairie, The Walton's etc)

Now with the media competition for eyeballs at a all time high, bad and outragous behavior from leading men seems to be the default.

This has changed what society expects from men, and makes some of these actions 'normal' to young minds.


Although he is a hypocrite, he does have a point.

That's a good point.

"Do as I say, not as I do" is a phrase many imperfect or worse people use to at least try to set a good example, even if it is the very definition of hypocrisy. Many people who do wrong see nothing wrong with what they do.

I mean, as bad as what the Cos did was, at least he wasn't advocating to normalize his behavior. His public persona at least was wholesome and probably influenced many people for the better.

It doesn't excuse what he did certainly, but I suppose in this way at least, people who publicly demand morality from the population are better than those who excuse immorality.


The problem is that many people won't think "Cosby is truly a nasty person and a hypocrite, but he's got a point".
They will rather think "Why should I listen to someone, who's not able to live up to his own high standards?"


Ozzy tried to start his own Corona Virus. That's pretty damn wholesome.


He's not a hypocrite. There is such a thing as public appearances and how you present yourself.

The Osbournes were a train wreck.

Bill could have made his fortune with a black version of Roseanne, poking fun at the lower middle class, filled with jokes about police, jail, unemployment etc but he wrote a black family of lawyers and doctors and kids who go to school.

That's commendable.


But when a person has crossed a certain line, it is hard for many people to just forget his transgressions and enjoy his work like before.
That is what happened with Bill Cosby.


Yeah, I get it, I have trouble with that too but I try to separate the art from the artist. Some of the worst, most flawed people can still make something remarkable.


We all know Bill Cosby is a political prisoner
